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~ seth is nonbinary and goes by he/they. but not many poeple know about it. kendra was the first to find out and they didin't even have to tell her. she just knew.

~ they are also in the aroace spectrum. i feel like he had a small crush on a boy at some point and had some romantic feelings to eve but never enough to realise it or feel the need to be in a relationship. they were never interested in dating.

~ after the events of the first book seth is scared of thunderstorms.

~ they sometimes read when they think no one's wathing. usually fantasy and adventure books. he doesn't hide with reading a lot of comics tho. their favourite is spider-man.

~ his favourite book series is percy jackson and the olympians. he loved it becouse he related to percy a lot, and then to nico. 

~ they have rainbow braces! 

~ as a shadow charmer seth became very sensitive to light, like a vampire.

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