Part 3

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After 2 hours we are finally finish with unpacking my and her stuff. Thank god that she didn't saw how I hide my bag under the bed. Pansy is funny and nice. I like her and I think that maybe we'll become friends. Pansy asks me if I want to go down with her to the others. To the others, that means to Draco and Reggie. "I don't think they want me there" I laugh.  That is not a lie I mean I saw their faces. Ie actually from the riddles the faces. "Oh come on, please. We need one more girl in our group, I can't do this alone." She begs. Okey, Rubi jump over your shadow. "Fine" I say. "Yay" Pansy jumps excited. I laugh. She takes my hand and pulls me out of our dorm. Then she runs down to the common room. "You will see, they are really cool. But wait..." She stops abruptly so I run into her. Pansy lowers her voice. "Blaise is mine" Blaise... I search the far corners of my head for any information about him. Maybe Harry once said something about him and... YES, Blaise Zabini. I thknk that was the guy that I saw with Draco on trck 9¾. He belongs to the group of friends who always put Harry down, like Pansy. " Okey" I grin. We continue going to the common room. I can see the Riddle brothers, that guy that asks me if I want to sit down with them, one other guy and than there is Blaise, Draco and Reggie. Fuck... why the hell did I say yes? Pansy heads for the seat next to Blaise. Of course... Everyone looks at me. Okay breath Rubi. "Hey, I am Ru..." I can't get any further because I'm interrupted by one of the Riddle brothers. Or rather by the annoying one of the two. "Rubina Black, we know that" he says annoyed. " Rubina Selena Black, you forgot my middle name" I fold my arms. One guy begins to laugh, Mattheo looks at him with a death glare. I look at him confused. The Guy stands up and goes towards me. "Hey I am Theodore, but call me Theo." He holds out his hand to me, and I take it. Theodore Nott, yeah I heard from him. "This is Enzo, Draco, Tom, Mattheo, Blaise and Reggie." He points his finger at the person in question. Some of them say Hey and the other wave. And Mattheo...he twists the eyes. As I look at Reggie, I feel a painful stab in my Heart. I know that everyone looks at me, but one stare I feel the most. It's Dracos. He knows that I am Reggies twinsister. And hopefully he never said a thing. He looks at me like he knows that the feelings of guilt take over. I break our eye contact first. "Don't you want to sit down?" Pansy asks. "Wait what?! Guys she grew up with Potter, we can't trust her!" Mattheo says. "Calm down, I don't have the intention to spy on you" I laugh and go to the free place next to Mattheo because no one else is free. But as I want to sit down, he lifts his legs up, blocking the space. I twist my eyes. "Sorry there is no place to sit down, seems like you have to go." Mattheo fucks me up already. "Okey how old are you? 10?" I ask him annoyed. He seems a little angry. "Come on bro, let her sit down." Tom says now. Mattheo don't moves. I twist my eyes again, and than I got a Idea. "Fine you know what? I just sit down here." I say and  sit down on his legs. Oh no. Now he seems really angry. Well not my problem I guess. He takes out his wand and holds it in my direction. "Stand up or I'll make to" "Oh yeah really? How? With one of the 3 forbidden curses?" "Yeah good Idea maybe I just should murder you" "Matt, stop you can't murder her just because she sits on your legs." At the end of the sentence, Theo trys not to laugh. Mattheo and I ignore it. "You can try to murder me, but you would fail." "Oh yeah? You think you can escape the curse of death?" "No but I can make it stop infront of me." "Yeah? You don't even have a wand." He laughs. "I don't need one, I can make you die without one too." Now he laughs more. "Should I show you?" I ask him. " Yeah come on show me how you..." He stops as he notice that he can't move. I take his wand out of his hand and stand up. I let the curse, I put on him, go. He stands up and his hand shoots forward to retrieve his wand. But I'm faster and quickly pull it away. Now he is way too close to me for my liking. "Come on, give it back." Mattheo says annoyed. "Here you are," I press the wand against Mattheo's chest, "but don't mess with me, you would loose." I continue with a smile on my face. "Fuck you" these are his last words before he goes. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down where I wanted to sit earlier. As I look at the faces from the others. They stare at me again. Except of Draco. "What?" I ask. "Is this a fever dream or was that real?" Theo looks at the others. They all seem impressed? Frightened? I don't know exactly what that is. "Why the hell are you all so... you know?" I ask. "I don't know what is more impressing that you simply did magic without a wand or that you messed with Mattheo and won." Reggie says. I look for help at Draco who sits next to me. "Are they so easy to impress?" I ask wispering at Draco while still looking at their amazed faces. I totally forgot that we aren't friends anymore. "Yeah well they never saw a 16 year old girl do magic without a wand. By the way you've gotten a lot better at it." He wispers back. I give him a death view as I finally remember that I hate him. "We aren't friends anymore, Dray. Don't forget that." "Rubi..." I turn away from him. "So you guys are okey?" I ask them with a normal foice now. "How did you do that?" Tom asks me. "Well I don't really know. If I am honest" "Can you do more special things like talking with snakes or something?" Enzo asks. "Nope it is just this"  "That is crazy" Blaise means. The rest of the day we sit in the common room and talk about everything and nothing. We talk about the teachers in hogwarts, about chickens and which sauce is the best one. I think I never laughed so much in my whole life. Maybe they are not the assholes, Harry always said they are.

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