Acceptance and Consolation

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Author: Beomchul22

Ship: Chansung

Type: 🥀[🍼]

Little: Han (2-4)

Caregiver: BangChan

Legends have said there was a mythical fountain. 

It was said that the fountain had a special power. It has the power to cure any ailment. Once Jisung and his best friend Bangchan heard this story they stood in awe. 

This must be the only hope to cure Jisung's age regression!

Jisung has been plagued by these episodes since childhood, he would regress to his younger state. Behaving like a 2-4 years old and unable to take care of himself.

Even though it can be a big burden, Bangchan still stays by his side and is even willing to become a caregiver.

Jisung felt that the age regression has been a big burden to Bangchan. Even though the amount of time, the older said it was okay.

Jisung told Bangchan he wanted to find the fountain. The older at first have resisted. However, after Jisung gives him his puppy eye. Bangchan couldn't help but give in, because all he wants to see is Jisung being happy.

After days of searching, they finally found the fountain.

It was really pretty and kind of old-fashioned covered in vines.

With hope flickering in Jisung's eye, he steps forward, his hand dipping into the sparkling water. He closed his eyes and curled his hand into a ball wishing for a miracle from the fountain. 

He hoped that the fountain willing to take away his age regression and grant him a normal life.

However when he opened his eye. No response from the fountain. No miraculous cure came and gifted Jisung. 

Jisung heart sank. Tears welled in his eyes as he realized the legend was not real.

No magical fountain that can cure everything. It was all a hoax.

He felt crushing despair, knowing his regression would forever continue in his life. He kneels on green grassy ground and cries.

Upon hearing the misery in Jisung's voice, Bangchan couldn't bear his best friend to suffer any longer.

He knelt and pulled him into a warm embrace. "I'm so sorry Ji," he whispered coaxing the younger head. "I wish I had some magical abilities to help you out. But I don't, We can face this no matter what," said Bangchan in a soft voice.

Jisung couldn't take it anymore he clung to Bangchan and cried on his shoulder. Finding comfort from the older's words and embrace he calmed down a little.

Their bond grew stronger that time, deepening into an imperishable connection.

Jisung finally learns to hold on to his destiny and learn one, no two special words.

Acceptance and Consolation

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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