Chapter Two: A Brilliant Escape

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Bonnie held tight in his grasp, Gregory took long, shaky breaths until his heart slowed and his breaths evened out. His headache passed and he could think clearly again.

Bonnie? Are you there?

"Yes! Gregory? Are you okay?"

Yes! Gregory stopped himself from laughing aloud. Why didn't you answer me earlier?

"I couldn't. I couldn't think. Something felt wrong, but I couldn't say anything. I couldn't hear you."

Gregory took a deep breath. "Well, we need to get out of here. I can't stay here a second longer."

"That's fair. I don't want to, either."

Gregory peeked his head out of the laundry tub and looked up and down the utility tunnel. He climbed out and walked back in the opposite direction of the white rabbit–hopefully toward a door he could open. A second pair of footsteps joined his own.

Gregory froze and clutched Bonnie to his chest. He looked around, but the cement hallways echoed the steps and made them impossible to track. At least they sounded like shoes and not rabbit feet.

Still, he took a few slow, silent steps back.

A voice demanded from behind him, "Kid? What are you doing here?"

Gregory jumped and darted down the hallway.

"Wait, no! Kid!" the woman yelled and ran after him. "Come back!"

She didn't sound like that murder rabbit, but that murder rabbit was using a voice mod so she could be anyone–maybe even a he for all he knew! What he knew for certain was that he couldn't get caught. He threw a glance back at the lady chasing him–a pale, blonde woman wearing a security uniform.

Sore but not tired despite how long he'd been on his feet and his previous run–how long had he been sitting in that tub?–he blundered through a couple of sets of double metal red doors already cracked open and shut them both behind himself. He dove into a small "room" on the right wall. A few boxes with glass walls facing outward lined the wall, but one was boarded over, and he shoved himself through the broken glass of the one beside it and hid behind the boards.

She followed him inside, hissing to herself, and searched the space. Eventually, she either gave up or imagined he had run out behind her because she turned and left right back through the red double doors.

Gregory peeked his head out from behind the boarded wall and squeezed out. Now he took a good look around the room. To the left of the room were engines or giant generators blocked off by a chain-link fence. A metal skeleton-like thing with ears and eyes with holes instead of pupils and irises hung from the ceiling. In the center pushed near the back of the room was a huge cylinder with giant tubes and wires connected to it and the ceiling. Huge windows ringed the outside and a big door faced the front. A computer terminal flanked the right side of the built-in door. Wrapping around the cylinder on either side were curled stairs with a very long landing connecting them, as he discovered after climbing up them. Four doors, each with a band member's symbol in different colors, were painted on them.

He hesitated and then walked through Monty's door down a brick hallway with a lime green edging. Gregory stepped into the weirdly small elevator and pressed one of two buttons in it–the glowing "up" arrow. The "down" arrow was currently dark.

The elevator jolted and its ding came out as a raspy croak that slowly, painfully died. The elevator doors opened, showing part of the floor as the elevator hadn't even gotten the full way up before dying.

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