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"I just don't understand why you have to go so far away just to go to some school, Shinobia." Her grandfather's exasperated tone reached her on the porch and over the sound of him raking brittle leaves in the yard. "There are damn good schools right here!"

Shinobia continued to lean against the iron railing of her grandfather's front porch, she was undisturbed by his harsh tone. She knew that was simply how her grandpa spoke, and the man was all 'bite' to say.

She kept her eyes on her cell phone as she checked to make sure nothing had changed about her flight. It was later that day, and she was eager to finally start this new chapter in her life. She was ready to leave some stuff back here in Georgia and see what the rest of the world had to offer.

"Yes, Jim there are good schools right here," The sound of the front door opening reached Shinobia's ears as her grandpa's wife stepped outside, "but to study aboard is such a neat and hard to come by opportunity for most. It would be a shame for her not to go!" The older woman smiled at her gently as she handed her a warm mug of hot chocolate. "I'm proud of you." She whispered to her, but in a louder voice said. "It'll be a great experience for Shinobia."

The younger woman took the mug and returned the smile. She had always liked the woman. She was good for her grandfather, and with a wife here, he would have someone to take care of him while Shinobia was gone. Her step-grandmother fluffed at the loose curls on her head before the made her way down the steps of the porch to hand Jim the other mug she carried with her.

Jim huffed and accepted the mug with a grumbled 'thank you'. He balanced the rake between his arm and chest as he took a sip. He eyed both women over the rim of the said mug, still not happy about his only grandchild leaving an ocean away.

"Experience what?" He asked after he finished drinking. "Ain't nothing in Europe you can't find here, trust me!" He huffed for what had to be the hundredth time. "Same shit, just in a different font."

Shinobia tried hard not to roll her eyes. "You have to admit America ain't it!" She argued lightly.

"What did I just say? Ain't no place 'it'." He shuffled closer to the porch and leaned the rake against the worn white banister connected to the stairs. "At least here you got me and Ann. Who's going to look out of you over there?"

It was clear her grandfather was getting more and more upset. She honestly hadn't known he cared this much about her leaving. The elder had known for weeks and this was the first time he showed just how strongly he did not agree with her choice. She and her grandfather weren't particularly close. She had mostly seen him on Holidays and special occasions when her mom would drag her along to visit the only family she had left. Yes, there were phone calls but they weren't... close. It had only been Shinobia and her mother as she had grown up.

Her grandfather used to work a lot. A trucker. That didn't leave a lot of time for him to spend with his family. He had just retired a little over a year ago. She remembered her mother had been excited because that meant she would finally have more time to spend with her father, unfortunately, her mother didn't get to spend much time with him after all.

A rock formed and Shinobia's throat at the thought. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair.

"Still," Ann cut in seeming to come to her step-granddaughters aid at the girl's sudden silence, "an experience is an experience." She told her husband. "Yes, maybe people may be the same worldwide but there are other things to experience in other countries, Jim. The food is one!" She winked at Shinobia, knowing about the younger woman's love of trying new foods.

Shinobia felt touched by both Ann's coming to her defense and her remembering that little fact about her.

"Besides, I'm sure if Shinobia doesn't like it there or feels unsafe, she'll come right home." She nodded over at her, silently telling her to reassure her grandpa.

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