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Chapter 7

Shinobia paced the confines of her room like a caged lion, dread twisting her insides. Today was the day Maggie planned to begin the invasive medical treatments to force her into pregnancy.

Just thinking about being prodded and invaded by unfamiliar hands made Shinobia feel violated. And that was before the vile process of artificial insemination Maggie had scheduled next.

Shinobia's hands shook, so she clenched them tightly. She would not allow her body to be used this way, no matter the consequences of resisting. The indignities she had already suffered were almost beyond bearing, but this Shinobia refused to endure.

All night her mind raced with possibilities and plans. But in the harsh light of morning, Shinobia knew only one option remained - fight with everything in her against this intolerable fate.

When the dreaded knock finally came at the door, Shinobia steeled herself, planting her feet solidly apart. She had fortified her very soul for battle. Come what may, she would not go quietly.

Maggie entered first, all thin smiles and false warmth. "Good morning, my dear! I hope you're well-rested for this joyous day."

Shinobia stood silent and unmoving as a statue, not trusting her voice yet. Maggie's smile faltered slightly before she beckoned the doctor forward.

"This is Dr. Fields. He'll be conducting your scan and fertility testing today." Maggie's voice dropped to an icy hiss only Shinobia could hear. "So you will behave."

Shinobia met Maggie's glare with all the loathing she could convey in a look. The doctor shifted on his feet uncertainly, peering at Shinobia over his glasses.

"Let's begin with standard vitals, shall we?" He moved towards Shinobia with a blood pressure cuff extended.

At his first step into her space, the detonation finally occurred. With an anguished cry, Shinobia lashed out, slapping away the cuff. "Don't touch me!" she shrieked.

Maggie gasped melodramatically. "What has gotten into you, girl?" Behind her icy stare, rage brewed. Shinobia no longer cared. She let her own fury pour forth unchecked at last.

"My body is not yours to torment and violate as you please!" she spat viciously. "I won't be used as an unwilling broodmare!" Energy coursed through her as she unleashed the full force of her disgust and resistance. She trembled, eyes blazing defiantly.

The doctor took several hasty steps back, wide-eyed. Maggie gestured angrily for Bruce to intervene. "Restrain her this instant!" she ordered shrilly.

Bruce moved hesitantly towards Shinobia. Their eyes locked briefly, a silent apology in his, before he reached to grasp her rigid shoulders.

The contact shattered the last of Shinobia's restraint. She wrestled against him with strength born of desperation, fingers bent to claws. "Let me go!" Her screams echoed around the room, wild and anguished.

Bruce endured her nails raking his arms, her kicks landing against his shins. His jaw was tight with effort and remorse as he finally managed to pin her shaking body long enough for the guards to assist immobilizing her.

Shinobia continued fighting tooth and nail even when it was clear all was lost. The need to resist overwhelmed reason. If they got her out of this room, she knew her fate would be sealed. So she thrashed and howled until her voice cracked and limbs went limp with exhaustion.

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