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Chapter 12

"Squeee, baby Zoya is just the cutest! Feel like a proud internet auntie watching her grow up with you guys."

"Awww Maya and Noah are so adorable! Their dynamic reminds me of my own kids. You're doing an amazing job making us feel part of the family."

"Just wanted to say how much I love following along on your journey! Your babies feel like my own nieces and nephews at this point. So fun watching them thrive."

"That latest video of baby Ezra's giggle just made my day! Love getting glimpses of him growing up. You really bring us into the family - thank you!"

"Congrats on the new pregnancy! I feel so invested, like this little one will be my internet niece/nephew when they arrive. Can't wait for more updates!"

"Thank you for letting us follow along so closely! Your kids feel like family at this point, it's so special getting to be a small part of their lives and growth!"

"You make viewers like us feel just as connected and involved as if we lived next door. The kids are like our own with how much you share! We just adore them."

"Isla is just the sweetest, most lovable child! You truly share your family with us so generously. It means so much to feel like their doting aunt!"

"Having a big family myself, I just love getting my daily dose of Maldo family chaos and joy! You let us experience it all right alongside you in such an intimate way. Thank you for that gift!"

"Every time a new video pops up it makes my day! Getting to see the kids grow up feels so special, like I'm their virtual auntie. Thank you for letting us be part of the family!"

"Just want to say how much I love being part of your lives through the videos. The kids feel like my own nieces and nephews with how much I've gotten to see them grow and develop!"

"Aww Maggie is such a doting grandma! We're all so lucky to experience those tender family moments together with you. The kids are as precious as if they were our own."

"Noah and Maya crack me up in the best way! Their funny antics and sibling bonding moments are so heartwarming. You truly let us share in the daily chaos."

"That video of baby Ezra taking his first steps had me tearing up! You bring us into these milestones so generously. I feel blessed being Internet auntie to your angels."

"There's nothing that lifts my spirits more than getting to see the kids' smiles and adventures with you. You've created such a wonderful, inclusive environment for us fans."

"Zoya is growing into such a talented, kind young lady. We've loved every step of the journey and can't wait to see what amazing things are in store for her!"

"Isla melts my heart every video, what a little sweetheart! You can tell she has so much love and hugs to give. Thank you for sharing her light with us all!"

"Each kid is so special and clearly adored. We fans feel that love from you guys through the screen! Can't wait for more family moments."

"Even on my worst days, I can count on one of your videos to give me joy. Thank you for letting us be part of the family!"

"Does anyone else get kind of weird vibes from their videos lately? The kids seem anxious and not as into it."

"Something feels off about the overly perfect image they portray. It comes across very curated and staged rather than natural family life."

"I can't quite put my finger on it, but the way Maggie looks at the camera gives me chills. Like she's forcing them all to perform."

"Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but Shinobia seems really sad behind her smile in recent videos. Hope she's doing okay."

"Am I the only one concerned by how Maggie treats the kids? The way she scolds them harshly doesn't sit right with me."

"I used to love their channel but now their content feels very fake and controlled. The kids seem miserable and Shinobia looks so drained."

"Maggie's obsession with using her grandkids for fame just feels icky and wrong to me. They deserve privacy."

"Does anyone get narcissistic stage mom vibes from Maggie? She seems way too invested in the kids' achievements for the wrong reasons."

"In their recent video it really looked like Maggie was gripping Zoya's arm quite forcefully. Left me worried about the kids' well-being."

"Maybe it's none of my business but Shinobia looks so thin and exhausted lately. I hope she's not being pressured to get back in shape right after giving birth."

"Some of Maggie's comments about the kids' appearances really rub me the wrong way. They're children, not commodities for her to show off."

"I don't know why people are being so judgmental lately. Maggie clearly loves her family and is just an enthusiastic grandma."

"They've said the kids are homeschooled, so it makes sense they do videos together as a family activity. I don't think it's exploitative."

"Shinobia always says how much she loves getting to stay home with the kids and share their lives. I seriously doubt she's being forced into anything."

"Can we stop criticizing little things like how Maggie speaks to the kids? You can tell there is a lot of love there. Every family has issues."

"So Maggie is proud of her talented grandkids and likes when they get opportunities, what's the problem? She's just being a supportive grandma."

"People will really find any reason to complain about family channels. This channel brings a lot of joy, just enjoy it or move on."

"I think people are reading too much into things. Every big family has stresses but the Maldo family clearly loves each other."

"Some of you must lead really sad lives to try and pick apart such a beautiful family. I hope you find happiness someday."

"Before judging maybe think about how lives look different on camera vs reality. I'm sure away from filming they have plenty of family time."

"Can we stop armchair diagnosing family members we barely know? Spreading rumors about abuse with no proof is irresponsible."

"I wish people would stop harshly criticizing Maggie. She's just proud of her family and wants to share that joy. There's nothing sinister about it."

"This channel brings me so much happiness. Can we stop trying to speculate about private family matters that are none of our business?"

"Let's keep comments positive and uplifting. If certain videos don't resonate with you, just click off. But don't spread hate."

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