Compliance and Defiance

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Hi. Vote. Comment. Thanks.

Shinobia sat motionless as the makeup brush swept across her face, the soft bristles barely registering. She stared blankly ahead, dark eyes devoid of any spark.

Maggie circled like a hawk, scrutinizing every inch of Shinobia's appearance. "Add more," she ordered the makeup artist. "Her complexion is far too dull lately."

The artist complied, gently applying another layer of rouge across Shinobia's sunken cheeks. Maggie pursed her thin lips, unsatisfied. "Well, I suppose that will have to do."

Shinobia remained unresponsive throughout, as compliant as a doll under their manipulations. When finally declared camera-ready, she stood wordlessly and let herself be maneuvered before the bright lights.

Bruce sat ramrod straight nearby, impassive features betraying none of the inner turmoil Shinobia knew he felt. They had become adept at concealing any misery - their stoic shells crucial to maintaining the facade.

"Places everyone!" Maggie sang out. Shinobia relaxed her facial muscles into a convincing smile, the day's performance beginning.

Maggie's shrill voice called out directions as the camera rolled, capturing the fabricated domestic bliss. Shinobia hit every line and cue flawlessly now, an actress made robotic through endless repetition.

Only her eyes hinted at the despair buried below her convincing external joy. But Maggie only scrutinized the visual details - whether her smile showed enough teeth, if Bruce appeared sufficiently enamored.

The hidden truths visible only to those who cared to look closer went unnoticed. And Maggie only saw what she wished to.

"Cut!" Maggie leaned back with a pleased smile. "Perfect. The viewers will eat up this happy little scene."

Shinobia held her smile a moment longer before letting it slip away. She glanced at Bruce, wondering if he felt the same deepening hopelessness at their exploitation. His inscrutable eyes revealed nothing.

"Now onto reading comments!" Maggie scrolled through the latest gushing praise on their posts, gleefully selecting the most effusive to read aloud.

"Listen to this one!" Maggie held the tablet up. "'You two are the definition of relationship goals! So clearly in love!'" Maggie laid a hand over her heart. "Isn't that just precious?"

"So sweet," Shinobia responded automatically, injecting just the right amount of touched delight in her voice. The lies came easily after endless practice.

Maggie's sharp eyes assessed her performance before nodding approval. "Yes, very convincing this time. You've come quite far."

Shinobia suppressed a shudder at the thought. How many more lies could her soul endure before it cracked fully? And what would be left of her then?

"Ooh, how about this!" Maggie interrupted her spiraling thoughts. "'Welcome to the family, Shinobia! We just love you!' Can you believe such warm acceptance?"

Shinobia stared at Maggie's beaming face, wondering how she could remain so oblivious. How could this cruel woman not perceive the falsity of it all? The answer came quickly - because that would mean acknowledging the destruction required to construct her fantasy. And Shinobia knew Maggie would never accept responsibility for the pain she caused.

"Truly heartwarming," Shinobia made herself reply, the platitudes like ashes in her mouth. Maggie seemed satisfied, already scrolling for the next comment to exploit.

Shinobia swallowed down the bitter taste and steadied herself for the next round of lies. She simply had to survive each day until her chance at escape finally came. Whenever that might be.

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