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Chapter 8

Bruce sat motionless in the armchair, staring blankly ahead as he waited for Mother's summons. The heavy silence of the house pressed down on him, broken only by the rhythmic ticking of the antique grandfather clock.

He preferred the stillness. It was peaceful, uncomplicated. No expectations to fulfill, no chance of failure. Just him alone with his thoughts.

Not that those thoughts were particularly complex, Bruce mused detachedly. His mind tended towards silence much like his surroundings. He simply existed, drifting through the days unquestioningly.

Voices at the door stirred him from his meditative state. Mother's shrill tone unmistakable even through the heavy wood. The conversation sounded tense, Mother's words rapid and clipped.

Bruce sat up straighter, smoothing any wrinkles from his shirt. Mother disliked anything disheveled or out of place. He must be perfectly presentable for her return.

The door flew open and Mother stormed in, irritation etched on her tight features. Her glare landed on Bruce and she sighed dramatically.

"There you are. Moping as usual, I see." Bruce remained silent at the barb. Mother often criticized his solemn nature when vexed.

"That was our photographer," Mother continued. "He is concerned our recent photo shoots appear...unnatural. Can you imagine such nonsense?"

Bruce shook his head obediently. Mother always knew what was best for the image they cultivated.

"I blame that girl's poor performance. No brightness, no joy! She ruins every perfect shot." Mother's mouth twisted in distaste. Bruce nodded along. The woman in the photos - Shinobia, he recalled - did seem melancholic of late. Not the effervescent vision Mother required.

"You must help me motivate her, Bruce." Mother gazed at him beseechingly. "We are so close to going viral. I need her to shine again."

"Yes, Mother." Bruce submitted to her wishes like always. Shinobia's true feelings were irrelevant. Mother's vision took precedence.

"Such a good boy." Mother smiled, features softening. Bruce's heart swelled at those rare words of praise. He lived to please Mother any way he could.

"Now come." Mother extended a hand. "We must discuss how to inspire our little star's best performance again."

Bruce rose and obediently followed Mother from the room, her lilting voice washing over him. He would do whatever necessary to fulfill her wishes, as always. Shinobia's role was to submit, just as his.

All that mattered was maintaining Mother's world exactly as she dreamed it. Bruce clung to that singular purpose, letting it drown out any other bothersome thoughts. Duty and obedience were all Bruce needed. Mother ensured it, just as she ensured his place by her side, her ever faithful creation.


Bruce obediently held the camera aloft, framing the shot as Mother arranged a beaming Shinobia by the ice rink. The park swarmed with merry families enjoying the winter carnival, oblivious to their filming.

"Remember darling, radiant joy!" Mother called before commencing the scene. Shinobia smoothed her fur-trimmed coat andconjured up a gleaming smile. Bruce focused on keeping her precisely centered in the frame.

"Happy holidays, friends!" Shinobia waved cheerfully at the camera lens. "Bruce and I wanted to take you along on our date to the Christmas carnival." She gestured at the festive crowds behind her as if they were old friends.

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