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Chapter 11

The kids fell silent as shouting echoed from downstairs. Zoya winced, pulling her siblings close on the playroom floor. They all recognized Grandma Maggie's harsh tone rising in anger.

"Why's Grandma always so mean to Mommy?" Isla asked softly, hugging her bunny tight. Zoya stroked her hair, unsure how to explain their grandmother's cruelty. She understood the truth intellectually, but protecting their innocence felt imperative.

"Grandma just gets...frustrated sometimes," Zoya said carefully. It was a delicate line to walk, validating their concerns without fueling outright rebellion. Going against Grandma never ended well.

"I don't like it when she yells," Maya whispered. Noah squeezed his twin's hand in solidarity. However much they got scolded for fidgeting during shoots, the criticisms paled in comparison to Shinobia's punishments for perceived failings.

Footsteps stomping upstairs silenced the hushed conversation. The kids all froze, listening to the approaching storm. When Maggie's strident voice rang out directly outside the playroom, Zoya hurriedly ushered her siblings behind furniture to shield them from the brewing confrontation.

"Worthless, utterly useless, the both of you!" Maggie's shrill rant invaded the room as she appeared, dragging a teary-eyed Shinobia by the arm. Bruce trailed behind, his usual detached expression strained with concern.

Zoya peeked around the play kitchen, watching in dismay as Maggie struck Shinobia hard across the face. "Please, I'm sorry," Shinobia sobbed, clearly pained. Bruce moved to intervene, but Maggie whirled on him next.

"Don't defend her coddling, you pathetic excuse for a man and husband!" Maggie grabbed Bruce's shirt in clawed fury. "I provide this life for you all, and this is the thanks I get?"

Bruce simply lowered his gaze mutely. Zoya willed him silently to stand up to their unhinged grandmother, but he merely took the vitriol stoically. After one last verbal barrage, Maggie stormed off haughtily.

An uneasy silence descended. The kids huddled close together, shaken. Finally, Zoya emerged hesitantly from hiding. Shinobia attempted a watery smile that split her swollen lip, reaching out to gather the kids in a fierce hug. Zoya understood then - Shinobia endured the abuse to shelter them. It pierced her young heart.

Bruce too seemed shaken from his stupor, wrapping an arm gently around Shinobia while whispering apologies into her hair. Zoya realized with cold clarity he would never intervene beyond empty words. His will was broken long ago by Maggie's domination.

They had only each other, Zoya recognized - her damaged but devoted parents clinging together against Hurricane Maggie. Gazing around at her frightened siblings, new resolve hardened in Zoya despite her few years. If her parents couldn't protect them, she would have to summon that courage.

Planting herself firmly between her parents and the playroom door, Zoya vowed silently to do whatever necessary to shield her siblings from the worst of the oncoming storm. She loved them too much to allow them to weather it alone.

The war waged on by the troubled adults would not be theirs to win. But Zoya could ensure her brother and sisters made it through unbroken. They deserved that chance at normalcy someday, beyond these twisted walls.


"What's this big crate thing, Mommy?"

Shinobia froze at Isla's innocent question, the blood draining from her face. She turned slowly to see the kids gathered around the large dog crate tucked away in the dusty basement corner.

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