Chapter Two - In which she realizes not everything changes.

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Chapter Two - In which she realizes not everything changes.

It wasn't my intention to give Rush Carter more of a reason to make fun of me, but is that ever anyone's intention? Oh the world is a cruel place. Although Rush Carter was going around saying stuff about me- it didn't seem to bug me. I mean, everyone had their own opinions and while Rush Carter was, how do I put this? Gorgeous in every sense of the word, it still didn't hurt that he was spreading vicious rumors. No, what irked me was the fact he didn't even know me. Yet, he acted as if he did.

"December, are you seriously going to take that little shits uh, well- shit?" Kacy hissed at me as I made my way to my locker. In a way it was sad that I was indeed going to take his shit. But it was kind of nice to be in the center of everyones gossip but in the next breathe not so much. Because well, I hated people. I was so not a people person. And it added to my irritation that yet again, the people talking had no clue who I was until this morning.

"Yes," I said, with a shrug and continued when I noticed her gaping. "He along with everyone else in this school can believe what they want about me. We are seniors, Kacy. I doubt I will see over half these people again. They're the least of my concerns." I shoved my stuff in my locker and turned just in time to run into the devil himself.

"Ah, November!" He exclaimed happily. Stupid boy.

"Rush. And by the way my name is December. The last month of the year. Not that hard to remember- oh wait, maybe it is with that small little pea for a brain. My bad." I retorted, before grabbing Kacy's hand and pulling her down towards the lunchroom. So maybe I wasn't exactly going to let him get away with it. In a way I was nervous for what I had maybe just started. I wasn't good with conflict. At all.


"Four! I'm home!" I yelled as I slammed the door behind me. My brother appeared from our side door leading to the garage. I saw the bags under his eyes, he brought his hand up running it through his dark brown hair.
"Ember, she won't come out. Dad's worried and he can't check on her, she won't let me in. She only wants you." Four sighed, dragging his hand down his face.

Even though I thought I knew, I still asked, "Where is she?"

Four gave a defeated sigh before mumbling, " September's room."  I nodded, before walking over to my big brother and hugging him around the waist, "Go to bed early tonight, Four. You look beat." He nodded as he let me go and headed into the garage.

I bit my lip as a headed towards the room I dreaded the most in this house. What most people didn't know is I had a little sister. Had being the key word. Her name was September Rose Anderson. She would be three years old two weeks from now. She died last year, because of cancer. My mom handle her death the worst.

Every month my mom would spend a week in her room and she wouldn't talk to anyone except me.

I walked towards my little sister's room, before pushing the door open slightly. "Mom?" I whispered, as I walked further into the room. My mom looked up and I winced as I saw her blood shot eyes. Her white blonde hair was in a messy bun upon her head, her usually olive toned skin was pale white. There were rings of purple around her blue eyes. Her frail arms reached out to me. I walked to her and pulled her into my arms. "Oh mom." I mumbled as I rubbed her back.

"Ember, why? Why did she have to go? My little girl. Oh my baby!" She sobbed, clutching me by my shirt.

I wondered the same thing everyday. My beautiful little sister.


"Kacy?" I cried quietly into the phone.

             "Oh Em. Is it your mom?" She asked quietly, as I heard her move to a quieter room.

"It's worse this time. She's asking questions that can't be answered. I don't know what to do." I sobbed, as I laid in bed.

                "I know baby, I know. Maybe you guys should finally take her up there." Kacy suggested.

"Not with dad we can't. He can't even get up now. It's getting worse." I said, as I clutched my pillow to my chest.

                   "Well then, maybe you and your mom should go. You said she only talks to you, so maybe you can handle her." Kacy said carefully.

"Maybe." I whispered.

I watched as my door creaked open and watch as my little brother Five walked in. He had his little bear in his hand and his other hand he used his thumb to suck on. I held my arms out for him and he ran into my arms.

"I'm going to go. Five just walked in so I going to put him to sleep." I told Kacy.

                "Okay babe, call me if you need anything else. I love you girl." She sighed.

"I love you too." I whispered, before hanging up.

In that moment I realized that nothing would ever change between Kacy and me. That she would always be the one I run to. No matter what.

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