Chapter Three- In which he see's her in a different light.

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Chapter Three- In which he see's her in a different light.

This school is so fucking stupid. And so are these people. Everyone in this school believes every little thing they hear. I mean I say one thing about some girl who was so unimportant before and now she's the talk of the school.

I felt slightly bad because well she didn't do anything to me to deserve this, except annoy me. But I felt she needed to learn a lesson, I mean she just straight up opened up to me the first time she talks to me. She needs to learn to not trust so easily. That'll get her hurt. But it was like it didn't even bug her. Her friend Kacy sure fucking cared, stupid bitch got in my face about it.

Speaking of the bitch, I watched as she hurriedly made her way to December before engulfing her in a hug. I stopped by my locker and leaned up against it as I watched the exchange. December's dirty blonde hair was up in a messy knot, her face was make-up free, her eyes looked a little red making her baby blue eyes stand out. Her little button nose scrunched up, her bow shaped lips pursed in distaste, her torso was incased in snug fitting white hoodie, it fit tightly against her breast, that all led to light blue skinny jeans and then to her Chuck Taylor covered feet. December wasn't hard to look at. If it was up to me-I would already know what it feels like to be buried inside of her.

I watched as Kacy looked up and over at me then told December something before December turned her head and making eye contact, blue connecting to blue.

I watched as her lips parted and her eyes got wide, I mentally groaned with the thought of watching her make the face in bed with me between her thighs. My thoughts were interrupted by a squeaky voice, "Rush, can you please move, this is my locker."

I looked down at the younger brunette girl, before moving out of the way. I looked back up to see if December was there only to be surprised by the look in her eyes. Sexual tension seemed to raise as our eyes meet once again and I watch as she bit her lip. Kacy smacked her arm and December jerked back while looking at her best friend with red tinting her cheeks. I nearly grinned when I realized that December might just be as interested in me as I am into her.


"This is fucking stupid Rush. Why do I have to go?" Cruise, my best friend, asked running a hand through his dark brown, curly hair. I sighed, as I shrugged looking at the ground.

"Boss said man. I can't do it. Just remember no matter what don't fucking kill the guy no matter what he does. If you take his life there's nothing I can do to help you." I stressed as I looked at him. Cruise swallowed thickly before nodding.

"You'll be there though, won't you?" He asked desperately. I nodded as we made our way to the alley where Martin Packwood stood, waiting anxiously. As much as it pained me to know that he was terrified of us, I brought the cocky smirk upon my face.

"Martin, buddy. Long time. You know I thought the last time we talked you have got your shit together. I'm disappointed Marty." I tsked, while glaring at the man.

"Rush, please I can explain!" Martin begged, bringing the palm of his hands out as if to say I surrender. I nodded for him to continue. "My little boy, he's sick. He was diagnosed with cancer. It all costs a lot. I know I owe you guys a lot, but I can't pay it right now and man listen please. I don't care if you kill me but please give me some time with my boy at least enough to know if he'll make it. Please, Rush?" Martin begged. I gulped as I walked up to him.

"Listen okay, you're not going to die. We're not going to kill you. You'll get to live a long happy life with your family, but we can't let you leave here without any marks, okay?" I sighed, as I moved back and let Cruise take it from here.

"I'm sorry, man." Cruise whispered, before throwing a punch into his jaw. I heard a sickening crack, as I watched Cruise hit him again.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. My stomach lurched as I made eye contact with those familiar blue eyes. I watched as her eyes widened as she realized she had been caught. I saw her back up before turning and darting away.

I darted after her while calling over my shoulder, "Remember what I said Cruise! I'll be right back!" I finally made it out of the alley and looked around me and soon saw her disappearing down the block, running after her. I swung around the corner only to face another alley. Why would she hide here? It's a dead end. I spotted her ducking behind some crates. I walked past her looking around as if searching for her, when I got behind her and all the crates, I swung around and grabbed her by the waist as she tried to make a run for it and slammed her against the wall. She yelped as her head slammed against the wall. And as sick as it was I felt my pants tighten as the V of her shirt pulled down showing a bit more of her breast then normal. "Get off of me, Rush!"

"What the hell were you doing, December? What the fuck were you doing? You want to get killed? You're lucky I'm the only one that saw you!" I yelled, getting in her face, she went to hit me, but I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. I smirked, "I like this position."

And then my smirk fell as I registered the pain from between my legs.

She fucking kneed me. In the balls. Fuck.

December Anderson is pictured above or if you're reading this on a computer its to the side.

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