Chapter 7: Never provoke Li Qinghan or suffer consequence!

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The head disciples never expected Li Qinghan to be feral, sharp-tongued, and cold. They had been accustomed to his gentle demeanor and kindness.

So when Wei Qingwei unintentionally provoked Li Qinghan, even his ancestors were not spared from the insults thrown out by the sharp tongue of Li Qinghan. Wei Qingwei practically turned to dust once Li Qinghan finished speaking.

From then on no one dared to get on Li Qinghan's bad side.

Li Qinghan's master just watched from the sideline, with satisfaction, knowing that his head disciple wasn't as soft and quiet as he thought. That was what he was grateful for, and he had no intention of intervening. His disciples' actions couldn't escape his eyes, but he had no desire to stop Li Qinghan. This master was somewhat bored, and suddenly Li Qinghan provided him with a good show to watch. How could he miss it? It was even better than dramas, and he never thought his disciple could be a master of shenanigans.

It never ceases to amaze him how his disciple silently made others' lives miserable.

Glancing at the tea his disciple gave to Yue Qingyuan, he wondered what Li Qinghan added this time. He watched as Yue Qingyuan drank it, then a slight frown appeared on his face, and his mouth seemed to twitch. He could see a very, very small red dot on Yue Qingyuan's pale pink lips, although it would be hard to notice if you weren't paying close attention. Ah, so he really used red pepper this time! No wonder he was grinding red pepper to powder.

Amusement filled Lian Guang, seeing his disciples sitting across from Yue Qingyaun with an innocent face. (¬‿¬ )

Ling Guang walked into the alchemist room, where he saw his disciple grinding a lot of bitter herbs. Looking at the cauldron he could see the pills....?

Ling Guang walked into the alchemist room, where he saw his disciple grinding a lot of bitter herbs. Looking at the cauldron, he could see the pills...? "Han'er, whose are these pills for?" Ling Guang asked. He watched as his disciple added the bitter herb powder to the cauldron. His disciple's voice sounded cheerful, but why was his face void of emotion? "Greetings to Shifu! This disciple is making pills Ye-shixiong asked for! (◕‿◕✿)"

Ling Guang froze for a moment before telling Li Qinghan. "I see! Then continue what you are doing, ba. This master is leaving!"

Ling Guang left without looking back. Although he was alright with Li Qinghan causing problems secretly, it didn't mean he wished to witness it firsthand. Not because of Li Qinghan's peculiar expression, definitely not. Knowing too much is never a safe routine in this world.

Ling Guang saw his disciple sprinkling something on fancy female clothes while An Ding peak's head disciple wasn't paying attention. Once the An Ding peak disciples left, Ling Guang approached Li Qinghan with a leisurely pace.

"What was that thing?"

"Shifu, are you curious?" Li Qinghan asked, tilting his head. Ling Guang shook his head, indicating that he did not wish to hear it. Seeing the disappointed face of his disciple, Ling Quang patted his chest in relief. It never meant a good thing if Li Qinghan tilted his head, and even the cat died because of curiosity. Ling Guang wasn't a cat and didn't have seven lives to spare, so it's best to turn a blind eye and deaf ear in this situation.

Anyways, he would find out tomorrow whose clothes it was and what his disciple sprinkled.

As he predicted, during the meeting of the peak lords, it was brought to attention that Xian Shu peak - Qi Qingqi's clothes were sprinkled with some toxic powder. It wasn't dangerous, but it caused itchiness and pimples to appear on the body and face.

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