3. Wish

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Third POV:

A loud slap was heard. Jakes cheek completely colour changed to a bright red because of Jungwons slap, though it seemed more like a punch."Because of you! Because of you I lost my chance with Jay!? Why?! Why do you have to exist?! What did you do that Jay hates you so much huh?!" Jungwon was crying, as Jake was standing there. Motionless."Jungwon-ah...you know I don't know why the parks don't like me.." Jake truly didn't know. He never knew why..

Jake never got to find out why Sunghoon left him. Why he suddenly ghosted him, but he never hated him. Never blamed him. Neither did he ever feel the slightest bit of resentment. In fact, for whatever reason, he didn't mind it. Even if he'd been abandoned for good, he'll wait for him. As that was his Promise. Even if the other found someone new to love, Jakes heart only beats for one.

"You don't know?...well it's something big because when Jay and Sunghoon heard your name get called up, Sunghoon had a panic attack along with an asthma attack." Jungwons tears still didn't stop. He tried texting Jay, calling him even sending him mails. But he never responded.

Jakes eyes widened as he heard that. He didn't understand. What happened to Sunghoon? Why?..

Jake looked at the tearful male, his eyes are already completely swollen. 'I have no other choice' was all that Jake could think of." Jungwon, we should stop meeting up. You take up most of my time schedule despite only being my brother. I think it's best to spend time apart, actually no. I don't have a need to see you anymore either. You're already grown up, I can't take care of you forever right? So let's cut our ties, okey?" Jake kept on babbling as he pushed Jungwon out, throwing his stuff out as well."H-hyung?.. what..what are you saying?! I-im sorry! Was it because I hit you? Please I'm sorry...don't leave me." Jungwon started crying even more. Banging crazily on the door, in hopes of Jake opening up, forgiving him.

After a while, the younger brother decided to leave, he was tired. Jake could only listen to his baby brothers agonising pleas, but he didn't budge. As he heard his brother leave, he slid down the door. He made sure that the other had fully left and started sobbing, it felt as if his airlines were cut and he could feel the lump in his throat building. He couldn't scream, yell or shout. All Jake could do was sob in silence. Alone.


That's how it's always been. All the people he wanted to keep in his life, left him. And it seemed that it was himself who was the problem. The only thing that kept him going was Jungwon, his precious baby brother, someone whom he raised in the stead of his parents. He made sure Jungwon would never catch up to the feeling of having no parents to love him.

Truth is. Jake and Jungwons parents passed away when they were young. Their grandparents had been the ones taking care of the two, but they were already busy as is, getting a load of two additional kids made it more stressful. That's how it came to be for Jake to be mature only at the age of 9. He took care of his brother, took care of his own studies. Always made sure he was the top student, that he would get the best marks and grades, that he'd get along with everyone and made sure not to displease anyone in any way. A perfect boy. A perfect successor. A perfect heir.

Jungwon was the only person he could feel true happiness with. That was until Sunghoon came along. The day Jake met the ice prince, was the day his heart had started beating for someone else. And only for that significant other.

Only for that beating to suddenly ache.

That special someone left. And it was painful, but no resent towards him. But it was sure. He left.

Now it's time for Jake to bid his farewell to Jungwon, the lifeline that he had left, must leave now too. In order for Jungwon to feel happiness, Jake will gladly give up his own. It's anything and everything for his brother.

Misunderstood too late. || Jakehoon  HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now