5. Mission

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Btw guys, as Jake is in Australia, he will be speaking of course English, and when he talks with people from Korea, he speaks Korean with them. I hope it makes sense.

Jakes POV:

I was sitting in the airplane, on my way back to Australia. I hadn't been there ever since the incident, but my accent still hasn't left me. Sometimes people even hear out that I have an accent when I speak Korean.

I had AirPods in as I was listening to 'still monster.'

Jungwon must've realised by now that I'm gone. I'm sorry won, but in order to be leaving with a peace of mind, without needing to worry wether you'll be fine and without me needing to explain why I'm leaving, this was the only way I could think of. This is a dangerous mission, I don't want you involved in any kind of way. I hope you won't hate me to much. It isn't a lie when I say that Jungwon occupies my mind almost all day, but there is someone else. Sunghoon, did you meet with Jungwon? He's cute right? Hopefully you'll like him. I bet he already likes you so much. Maybe you'll be able to get to know Niki more too. I hope you're doing well.

Third person POV:

After a 10 hour flight

Jake stretched himself as he had finally gotten off that plane."Jake! You're finally here!" A tall guy with ash blond hair yelled from the other side of the airport to where Jake was standing."Quiet it down, would you Nicholas?! Do you want the entire city to hear you?" Jake answered as he massaged his templates."Oh? Why are you so pissed? Not happy to see me? Well it must suck to be you because now you have to deal with it. Oh right, Ej is getting the car so we won't need to walk a lot." He said and just then his phone started ringing."Oh well, speak of the devil."

He picked up the phone and started grinning like an idiot."Hey love, you're there? Okeyyy yes I picked Jakey up don't worry. We're on our way!" I looked at him, not surprised at all."You sure are two faced huh." Jake looked him up and down with a judgmental look."Tsk! You're lucky I'm even helping you in this mission you know? Consider yourself special." Nicholas sassily turned around and started walking towards the exit."Huh should I feel honoured that you don't want to lose your job? That's why you also help me?" Jake snickered at his reaction, him stomping away.

We arrived at Ejs car and Nicholas sat at shotgun. He wouldn't have ever let me sit there..Always must sit next to his lover..so possessive.

Anyways, Ej was so kind into driving me to my mansion.

When I entered my home, it felt cold. I hadn't been here...for like 7 years already? It's been a long time.

I turned on the lights, it flashed on and lit up the entire living plus kitchen area. Wow, the housekeeper sure kept it all clean."Young master- ah no, my apologies. Master, you've finally returned. Welcome back." A very old man greeted me. I smiled at him."It has been a long time. It's good to see you again Bernard. It seems you've been fairing very well. Oh and please, just keep calling me Jake, if you're not comfortable with that, keep on calling me young master." He had been there since I grew up, he was even there when my father was in his Teenie days.

So basically he's been there my entire life, he's the closest relative I have after my aunt and uncle, as well as for grandmother and grandfather. He watched me grow up. But his duty was to run the mansion in Australia, so he couldn't come and move to America and Korea with me.

I'll be taking care of the Australian headquarters of SY retails for now, so I should go and get some rest.

It was already 2am, but Jake couldn't sleep, usually he'd always talk with Jungwon before actually going to bed. But now it's all different. He won't be able to hear Jungwons silly stories about park Jay, how his day was, tell me random facts about things he heard. It all felt..empty. I sighed and just closed my eyes when I suddenly got a call.

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