8. Don't go..

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Third person POV:

After all the boys were gathered at the hospital, impatiently waiting for the doctors reports, Jamie finally arrived with a heavy heart."Boys! What happened?! Why is Jake in the emergency room??!!" The older female asked out of breath. She rushed here right after arriving at the airport, she got on a plane without packing a luggage or anything at all. Just the clothes she was wearing and some necessary IDs as Jake's legal guardian."Jamie....Jake he..he got shot in his shoulder and got a big hit to the head. He lost a great amount of blood so he got rushed in. I'm sorry...Im so..so so goddamn sorry..I should have taken better care of him..I— I shouldn't have agreed with his plan to begin with!" Chan finally started to cry his heart out, ever since he was at the hospital, he wouldn't utter a word. He would just stay spaced off. Look into the nothings.

After that, nobody spoke a word. It wasn't normal for chan to cry like that, especially chan.

Some hours had passed and finally a doctor had come."Hello, are you relatives of Jake Sim?" He asked looking at each and one of them."Yes hello! I'm his older cousin Jamie, how is he doing? Is he fine? There..there shouldn't be any big problems right?!" Jamie asked panicked."Fortunately, his life is no longer endangered. But he is in a coma, we aren't sure when he will wake up, it might even be that he won't ever in the worst case scenario. Also...he did loose a great amount of blood and has gotten a big blow to the head, which doesn't exactly help his...condition.." The doctor hesitated in the last sentence."Doctor..what..what condition? What are you talking about..I—I don't understand.."

Jamie was desperate. Desperate to make sure Jake was fine, she was already beyond relieved when she heard his life isn't threatened anymore. But when the male doctor told her that Jake is in a coma and that he wasn't fully alright, there was a clench within her heart. She didn't have a good feeling at all about this. Not only was she worried about Jake though, she was also worried about Jungwon..She may or may not have accidentally told him that she was heading to Australia..Brisbane specifically..Damn! I shouldn't have let it slip out. Yep, you heard right. She let it SLIP OUT.

"It's not 100% accurate yet, but it seems the young man has gotten..amnesia. It was caused because of the large amount of blood loss as well as for the strong injury to the head. And it seems he has been taking sleeping pills consistently, which in the end makes the amnesia more likely.(Guys, I'm not sure if this is true or not, I am not a doctor! This is just for the story so please do not hate or send resentful comments. Please and thank you.) And that hit could've been fatal as well, you must take really good care of him. He may have forgotten all the important people in his life, maybe even every person he has met. I'm truly sorry to have to inform you under such circumstances." And with that, he just left.

The group of five just sat there, trying to process everything, but there was no time to because they suddenly heard a loud thud. When they looked into the direction, they were greeted with a tear falling Jungwon. Sitting on the floor gasping for air."Jungwon! What are you doing here!? And how did you find out I was here! Fuck that, since when have you been standing there?!" Jamie again started to panic."Tell me it's not true...noona..tell me hyung isn't injured! tell me he's fine!!" Jungwon pleaded."Wonnie.." she was trying to come closer only to be pushed away."You knew it was dangerous for him..you knew yet you let him come here! And now look where he is! His life was endangered, he's in a coma, which is not guaranteed he'll wake up from?! He may have forgotten his family, hell he may have forgotten everyone and everything!? You knew something like this could happen so why did you let him come?! Why didn't you ask grandma and grandpa to convince him to stay! Noona he's the only one I have left! He's been there for me my entire life! He was my mom and dad! Are you telling me...he'll forget everything? Why? WHY?!" He kept on repeating 'why' over and over, crying his heart and soul out.

Jamie finally went over and hugged the younger male even if he'd been trying to consistently resist.

After struggling to get out of his older cousins grasp, he finally gave in and calmed down."Jungwon. It wasn't our decision, and no matter how much we tried to change his mind, he didn't budge one bit. Not a single inch. Now that you're all calmed down, let's go see Jake, alright?" Jungwon just nodded with a heavy heart and silently followed his Noona.

The other four boys had already left the scene because they couldn't handle their precious friends brother crying. And they hadn't entered the room because they were afraid of what would await them in that room."Should I go in first or-" she was immediately cut of."I'm going in. Please don't come in, only after I'm finished.." Jungwon stated without hesitation."Won..are you sure? You'll be fine without anyone there?"

All he did was nod, so they backed away and let him enter.

Jungwon POV:

As I opened the door, it made no noise. No sound at all. It was completely quiet, other than hearing beeping machines and some very faint breathing, there was nothing. I slowly started to approach the bed where Jake hyung was laying in, clenching my right hand into a fist while my left hand was lightly hitting against my chest two times every few seconds. It's a sort of calming mechanism, it helps me calm down whenever I'm stressing or anxious.

After I was only a few inches away from the bed, I couldn't help but starting to cry again."Hyung...Jake hyung...why are you connected to so many machines..why..why did you get yourself injured?..I'm sorry..hyung I'm so sorry. It must've been so hard for you..why did you carry all this burden alone? You..you suddenly kicked me out of our home, telling me that it was your fault that Jay hyung didn't like you..it's not though..Jaeyun hyung it's not your fault! It never was..it was theirs! They shouldn't have misunderstood you..you were suffering so much all alone. Was I really such a burden for you to not even being able to open up about all the pain you were going through? We are family..but why do you act like it's you who needs to shield us! Why are you acting like a hero?! You should've just let grandpa handle this! Why were you so hell bent on doing it yourself?! You are an idiot!

......Don't leave me hyung...please don't go.."

I finally broke down in front of Jake hyung, I was crying so much again, it could've been enough to form a river. I wept there for a while, telling my older brother all about my recent life. How I haven't forgiven Jay even if I loved him so much, how I had resentment towards sunghoon for hurting him so much. How my company was on a good way to fame, that grandmama and grandpapa were healthy and alive. Noona taking care of the company in his stead. Everything was going well, only he wasn't there.

I missed you..I miss you..so much hyung. Please come back.

Don't leave me again....

~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finally the long awaited chapter! I'm truly super sorry for not updating earlier...
My internship kept me a lot busier than I thought it would, and I'd always be tired because I'd work from really early to really reaaaaallllyyyyyyyy late!

But anyway! This is just a small chapter because I didn't want to keep my stars waiting. Hopefully it'll accommodate at least 40% of the fact that I hadn't updated in like almost a month probably???

Also I didn't exactly read through this chapter and there may be some editing in the next couple days..

Soo in other words this chapter is still on process!!

Anyways! Hopefully this chapter was good, tell me what you guys think of it!!

Hope you stars are doing well!

Word count: 1457

Misunderstood too late. || Jakehoon  HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now