Chapter 17: It's A Girl!!!

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One week later, March 26th, 1985. The guys are back in the studio recording.

VINCE: (Recording)
Smoking in the boys room
Smoking in the boys room
 Hey, teacher, I ain't fooling around with your rules
Everybody knows that smoking ain't allowed in school!

Tommy finishes on the drums as Nikki and Mick strum the final notes on their guitars.

Meanwhile, in the control room, Roxanne and Doc both cheered.

DOC: (Through the intercom) Great job fellas, that's a wrap for today.

ROXANNE: That was awesome guys, you've got yourselves a hit, and you get to keep your booze and blow for an extra day.

The guys all laughed and cheered, remembering her earlier threat.


MICK: (rolls his eyes)

At that moment, Doc's phone rang.

DOC: Hang on boys, I gotta take this.

Doc: got up and left the room to answer it as the other phone in the studio started ringing.

ROXANNE: (Turns to the sound tech) You want me to get that?

The guy just nodded and Roxanne picked up the phone.

ROXANNE: (Picks up the phone) Hello?

On the other end of the line was Sharise.

SHARISE: (On the phone, breathing heavily) Rox?! Oh thank God it's you!

ROXANNE: (Surprised) Sharise? What's going on? Is something wrong?

SHARISE: (On the phone, panicking) Tell Vince to get to the hospital now! The baby's coming!

Roxanne's eyes almost popped out of her head, which didn't go unnoticed by the guys.

NIKKI: (Walks towards her and knocks on the glass) Roxi, babe, what's going on?

Roxanne jerked her head up and looked right at Vince.

ROXANNE: (Shouts over the intercom) Vince! You need to get to the hospital, right now! Sharise is having the baby!

Vince's eyes went as wide as Roxanne's the minute he heard this.

VINCE: (Shocked) WHAT?!?!

Quick as a flash, Vince bolted for the door and ran out of the studio.

NIKKI: (Shocked) What the fuck?! Come on, let's go with him!

Nikki turned and ran out of the studio, followed closely by Roxanne, Tommy and Mick.


Roxanne and the guys all ran out of the studio and jumped into Vince's car.

ROXANNE: (Shouting) GO! GO! GO!

NIKKI: (Shouting) Put your fucking foot on the gas, man!

Vince started the car and sped off towards the hospital.

VINCE: (Trembling with excitement) This is fucking crazy, I'm gonna be a father.

NIKKI: (Pats his shoulder) Hey, we're proud of ya, man.

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