Chapter 1: The Meeting

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"Greetings fair maiden!" Knight Helmet said. "Hello." Mechanical Pencil said. "Tis' good to lay eyes upon thee! I must ask, how doth thy day fare?" he said. "Come again?" "Oh, I am sorry! Allow me to say in simpler terms, "How is your day going?" "It's good so far." she said to him. "Tis truly wonderful news! May I ask if you are a part of this grand competition?" he said to the mechanical pencil. "Yes, I'm a debuter." "I see, well allow me to introduce my self then. I am Knight Helmet, and you may call me Sir Helmet if you wish." he said. "Okay then." "It is great to meet thee. I am certain thou will preform well in this competition! May I ask, who is your companion?" "I litterally just got here." Mechanical Pencil said. "I see. My bad! Do not feel pressured to tell me, but, I must ask, do you know what you might be doing in this competition? I would not want thee to be confused, later." " I honestly don't know, it looked funand there's a prize." she said. "You, too? What a coincidence! I wish to win this competition so that Sir Gold Ingot can grant me the greatest armor and sword in all of the land! Do you have a certain goal relating in mind, in exchange for winning." "Not really, it would be cool if I did win though! If not thats okay too." "That is a most honorable position." he said. "I, too, do not mind if I do not win, so long as I had fun during the competition." "Same." The mechanical pencil said. "Tis' great to see a fellow competitor who also does not find the results of the competition to be the most important part of this entire event!" "I wish thee most of luck! I know thou will most certainly preform wonderfully in this competition! May fortune be forever in thy favor." *he saud finishing his sentence. "Do you have any companions?" she asked. "I do! I have my dear friend Caramel Cube and my loyal helper Plasma Ball. Though Plasma Ball may not he quite as loyalas Caramel Cube." "Do you want to be friends Knight Helmet?" "I will be most honored to have thee as a friend! I, too love to make friends and get to know them well!" "You have my sincerest gratitude, uhh, I never got your name, well anyway, come along, I suppose! Tis' truly my honor." "My name is Mechanical Pencil." she said to him. "Ah! My apologies for the misunderstanding! I believe you are a very unique companion! Pleasure to meet thee, Mechanical Pencil." he said correcting himself. "It's okay Knight Helmet." "Let's begin our exploration shall we!"

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