Chapter 4: More Golden Stuff!? Maybe a Golden Bird...

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"Tis' a golden feather... It appears to be torn off from some creature." He hands the feather to Mechanical. "Look at it, Mechanical. A golden feather... What could this mean?" he said questioning her. "Maybe it came from a golden bird? I don't know.." she said. "A golden bird? Hm... that is certainly a possibility! But a golden bird... do golden birds truly exist in our world, Mechanical?" "I mean I only seen them in fairy tales, but it's a possibility." "This could get us closer to solving 'The Golden Mystery'!" He looks at Mechanical Pencil and notice a small smile creep on her face. "Is she enjoying solving this mystery with me?" he sajd to himself. "What could this "golden bird" look like? How big is it?" He continues to analyze the feather. Mechanical Pencil analyzes it too. "I got nothing." she said. Suddenly an idea pops into Knight Helmet's head. "Wait... golden bird, golden field of wheat, golden feather... could it be, the bird has something to do with the way the wheat grew??" He continues to study the feather, looking for any subtle differences between it and normal feather. Mechanical looks around for more clues. "Ah! Another clue!" He picks up a golden twig from the ground and begins to inspect it. "Very interesting! It is also, golden!" "That definitely does not seem like a coincidence... maybe all golden plants have something to do with a golden bird!" he said to himself. "A golden twig?! Yeah, something is definitely going on." she said. "Let us keep searching until we find out the truth behind this golden phenomenon!" He walks over to the bush and examines it carefully. He finds a golden fruit. "This can't be... another clue!" He picks thd golden fruit and inspects it trying to find something special about it. "Can I eat it?" Mechanical says. "I.. uh.." He thought about allowing Mechanical to eat the golden fruit, but something told him that it wouldn't be a very good idea. "Actually I do not recommend that, Mechanical. We don't know if it'll do something bad to you... for your safety." Despite her disappointed expression, Knight Helmet was right. "So, should we keep looking? May we find more clues?" He continues to search around the bush. "Hang on, what's this?" 

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