Chapter 6: The Golden Bird?!

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"What's that?" Mechanical said. "It... It seems to be a bird in the sky!" "We must investigate this bird! It may hold more clues about the golden environment." he said. "Alright then!" Knight Helmet approaches the bird, trying to catch its attention. The bird begins to fly away, but he continues following it. Eventually, the bird lands in a nearby tree. "I seem to be getting somewhere, the bird is in this tree! Come, Mechanical, let us talk with this bird! I am sure we could learn more from it!" "Okay then." Mechanical Pencil says following Knight Helmet. Knight Helmet approaches and stands under the tree, looking up at the bird. "Fair one! We would like to speak with you! We have some questions we wish to ask you! If you agree to answer these questions, we shall allow you to feast upon the golden grain, or any golden food you desire! Do you agree to answer these questions?" "Caw!" the bird said. "Is that... a yes? Do you agree to answer our questions?" "Caw! Caw!" the bird said. "Very well! Our first question, may I ask your name? Perhaps we can identify you through that." "Knight Helmet, I honestly didn't think it would understand you." Mechanical said. "Me neither, Mechanical! But I shall ask, anyway! What is your name dear fellow?" He waits for a response, but the bird simply keeps cawing without saying anything. "Maybe we should... ask it more questions?" He tries to think of more questions to ask. "Caw, caw, caw!" the bird says again. "Why are you here, at the golden field? Who brought you here?" he said waiting for a response, hopefully getting one. However the bird only speaks in caws again. "Knight Helmet, I don't think it can talk." Knight Helmet lets out a sigh of dissappointment when the bird does not respond. "It appears you may be correct. Should we try to ask more questions? We can never know for sure..." "Eh. It'll speak in caws though." she said. Knight Helmet sighed yet again, a bit annoyed, but then he comes up with an idea. "Let's... try something random..." He looked around and started to look at all of the golden objects. "Gold is... a very pretty color..." The bird then looks at him and its starting to understand him. "What are you doing?" Mechanical Pencil said to him confused. He looks at Mechanical with a knowing expression. "I am speaking the bird's language, Mechanical." He turns his attention back to the bird. "The Golden Field is very interesting, is it not." 

Knight Helmet and Mechanical Pencil's AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora