Chapter 2: The Golden Mystery

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"Yes we shall!" she said. "Okay! Let us find out what this environment has to hold! Who knows what we may find!" Mechanical Pencil walks around the grasslands and finds a field, but of what? Knight Helmet saw the field she was looking at and followed her. "Tis' a large field! Curious... I wish to know what this field holds!" Knight Helmet walks toward the field finding some wheat. "What did you find my friend?" she said. "Hmm... This... appears to be some wheat! But it seems... golden?" he said slightly confused. "Can I take a look?" "Sure thing!" He allows Mechanical Pencil to peer at the golden grain. "It seems like normal wheat." she said wondering what he was rambling on about. "Tis' true, but how is it golden...? Wheat is typically brown, not golden..." he said confused. "Let's go ask somebody." "Tis' a great idea Mechanical Pencil! Let us go ask someone!" he exclaimed. "Should we look for someone to ask about the wheat, Mechanical Pencil?" he said. "Yes, yes." Mechanical Pencil said looking around trying to someone to ask and then sees somebody standing. "Ah! There is someone!" Knight Helmet said walking towards them. "Good day, fair one! May we ask thee a question?" "Sure, go ahead." they said. "Thank you so kindly for your permission! How did this wheat turn golden? We have never seen something such as this!" he said kindly to them. They sat there confused. "Fair one? Do you not know the answer either? Tis' quite puzzling!" he said while taking a single wheat grain and looks at it closely. "Knight Helmet, I don't think they know." she said. "Tis' quite obvious, Mechanical. I suppose someone else might know. Also is it okay if I just call you Mechanical?" "Yes, yes, it is." "Okay good." he said looking for someone else to ask the question to. "I see someone!" she exclaimed to Knight Helmet. "Fair one! Please may we ask you a simple question?" "Fine, I suppose." they said. "How come this field of wheat is golden? We wish to know why the wheat here is such a strange color!" "It may have something to do with the way they grew." they said in a confused manner. "Hmm... Perhaps you are right, Fair One! May we ask how the wheat grown in such a way?" he said to them. "This is such a rare feat that even I can't comprehend. I have to get back to work now." they said running off into the distance. "... A rare feat? But how..?" He looks at Mechanical Pencil to see her expression. She leaves a shocked expression on what the they just said. Knight Helmet looks back at them who was still running. "Okay then... That was strange. But maybe we could ask someone else? Or... could we find out more about this field? Who knows, this may provide us with some sort of advantage in this competition..." "Maybe it will..." she said. "Perhaps... Let us search for more information regarding this field." he said. "Yes, yes we should." Mechanical Pencil said when Knight Helmet begins looking around the golden field, seeking information on it's origins. "Do you see anything yet, Knight Helmet?" Mechanical Pencil said. "Hm... No. Not yet, Mechanical. I continue finding golden wheat, however. This is all very odd. Perhaps we should seek someone else to ask? Or... maybe look around some more?" "I think we should look around more because I don't think anybody knows." she said. "Very true! Let us continue to see bit of any information we can find then! I shall look over here. If you wish, you could look over there, Mechanical!" Mechanical Pencil walked over to where Knight Helmet pointed and looked around for anything at all. Knight Helmet then spotted a piece of paper on the ground. He ran over to it and examined it closer...

Knight Helmet and Mechanical Pencil's AdventureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz