Chapter 3: A Piece of Paper?

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"Mechanical! Come! I found something, here!" he yelled out. "What do you have there?" she wondered. "I do not know! Tis' a paper of some sorts. It appears to be written in some strange script. Would you look at it? Does this mean anything to you?" He handed the paper to Mechanical so she could look at it. "Hmm... I can't understand it." "Me neither, Mechanical. But there is definitely some sort of code or something here! This is very... odd." "Yes, indeed it is." "This has to mean something! Mechanical please try your hardest to decode this. I swear this will give us some sort of advantage in the competition!" he said desperate. Mechanical Pencil looked at the paper trying to decode it but did not suceed. She then gives the paper back to Knight Helmet sighing. He looks at the paper and sighs as well. "This is very odd... I cannot figure out what it means either. May we continue searching for clues Mechanical? Maybe we missed something." "Maybe." she said. "Perhaps this will lead us to the answers we're looking for! Come!" He starts looking for potential clues elsewhere. Mechanical Pencil follows him. Knight Helmet continues to walk around the field, when suddenly... "Hold on! Come this way! I think I may have spotted something!" "Huh?" she said running over there, "What is it?" He then runs over and picks something off the ground. "Look at this! This... this is a clue! Come let us investigate this item more!" "Please look at this object with me! I believe it has some sort of meaning!" He studies the object in greater detail. Mechanical looks at the object wondering what it could possibly mean...

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