Chapter 7: Trying to Talk to the Bird

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The bird then tilts it's head. Knight Helmet continued to speak with the bird, trying to see if he can get it to talk, or to at least respond in some way other than caws. "The golden food is also delicious, would you not agree." The bird nodded in agreement. "Good! We've gotten a response out of you! You did not speak in caws! Perhaps the bird can communicate more!" "Could you speak one more line for me?" he said to the bird. "Do you agree to do this request?" "Caw!" the bird said. Knight Helmet got excited and interested. "Good! That is a start! We are getting somewhere!" He starts to speak to the bird again. "Do you like the other golden objects. Or do you only like the food and the fields?" The bird nodded. Knight Helmet smiled as he continues to speak with the bird. "That is very fair! Would you consider letting us see your golden nest? We merely wish to see such a nest and have no intent on making you uncomfortable. I hope you understand." he said to the bird. The bird sat in silence. Knight Helmet sighed as ge spoke to the bird, again. "Do you agree to show us your nest? I wish to see your home, and hopefully it could lead to more clues regarding the field. May we please see your nest, dear bird?" "I don't think it wants to show you." Mechanical said. "Fair enough." he said sighing in dissappointment as he looks at the bird. "What about... do you know what caused the field to grow? Is that what your golden nest holds, dear bird." He looked at the bird waiting for a response. The bird flew away. "Ah! The bird seems to be leaving..." "Thats alright... Maybe it was getting annoyed by the conversation." He looks back at the field, seeking more clues. "Hopefully, this is not the end of our conversation with the bird... I feel we could have learned more from it..." "Forget it, let's look for more clues." she said. "I guess you're right, Mechanical." He looked around the golden field again, searching for more clues. 

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