The Real Matriarch

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The Real Matriarch

Walking into the house, Kristina is surprised by her foyer decorated with enormous bouquets, each standing in an ornate vase, all in a row with petals on the ground spelling out sorry.

"Oh my god. What are these? Who did this?" Kristina asked her assistant.

Kim comes out from behind the wall with a guilty smile on her face. Kristina narrowed her eyes at Kim.

"You did this?" Kristina asked Kim.

Kim nods.

"I'm sorry and I don't want to fight with you anymore," Kim answered.

It's been a week since Kristina sent Kim that nasty text and they had been constantly fighting to the point Kourtney had to step in and calm Kristina down. Kim felt bad about their fighting so she asked Jamal to help her to apologize to Kristina.

"You think covering my house in flowers is going to make me accept your apology, Kim?" Kristina asked her, walking through the room.

Kim makes a face but nods. "I'm trying here, you're like the hardest person to apologize to because you make it hard," Kim replied.

"Not hard. I make you work for it," Kristina corrected her.

Kristina was the real matriarch of the family. Not even Kris got the level of respect that Kristina gets from everyone in this family. Kim knew their fighting couldn't go on any longer because she didn't want Kristina to make her life a living hell.

Fighting with Kourtney is one thing but fighting Kristina is another level that Kim didn't want.

"Kourtney and I are trying so we should be able to do the same," Kim said.

"I'm not Kourtney," Kristina said.

Kristina like most older siblings doesn't let their younger siblings get away with anything. While Kourtney may give in when everyone jumps her on to do so, Kristina doesn't. She makes you work and realize why you were wrong in the first place. She stands her ground. That's what made her a great lawyer for all these years.

Kim sighed. She knew it wasn't going to be easy to get back on Kristina's good side but she felt like Kristina was torturing her.

"I know that," Kim said.

Kristina pursed her lips. "Well, I need time to think," Kristina told Kim.

"As long as you forgive me. Take all the time you need," Kim said.

Kristina nodded. "Now find a local hospital to donate all these flowers to because my garden is full," Kristina told Kim before turning around and going up the stairs to her bedroom.

"You're not going to help me?!" Kim called out.

"No!" Kristina exclaimed.

After the disastrous flower fiasco, Kim knew she needed to make amends with Kristina in a big way.

Calling her sister Khloe, Kim explained how her attempt at an apology had fallen completely flat.

Ever the peacemaker, Khloe offered to come over right away with a spread of Kristina's favorite foods and treats - hoping the gesture would help smooth things over.

Kim thanked her profusely and waited anxiously in the living room, wondering if anything could repair the rift she had caused.

Before long, Khloe arrived laden with bags of takeout from Kristina's favorite restaurant. Not far behind was Kylie, arms filled with sweet confections and baked goods she knew her older sister adored.

Kim felt touched that her siblings were rallying around her, even though she was the one in the wrong.

As they unpacked the feast in the kitchen, even more family members showed up - Rob, Kourtney and Kendall had gotten wind of the plan and come over to offer their support.

When Kristina finally descended the stairs and wandered into the kitchen, she was greeted by the entire clan waiting eagerly for her.

"What's going on here?" Kristina asked, surprised by the gathering.

"We're sorry!" everyone chorused together.

Kristina had to chuckle at the scene - her family's tradition of uniting to apologize, even when only one person was at fault.

As she took a seat at the table, Kim spoke up to directly and sincerely apologize for the hurtful things she had said.

Khloe added warmly that Kristina was the true matriarch, the one they all respected and looked up to.

Surrounded by the comfort of food and family, Kristina felt the tensions of their earlier conflict dissolving away.

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