Kristina x Kylie

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Kristina x Kylie

Kristina has expanded her already extensive business empire by launching a new makeup collaboration with her younger sister, Kylie.

To promote the new "Kristina Collection" with Kylie Cosmetics, which is set to launch on Mother's Day, Kristina filmed a beauty tutorial and vlog with Kylie, giving fans a sneak peek at the products while doing Kylie's makeup.

The collection includes a range of lip products, like the "Kristina At Law Lip Kollection" with 10 new lipstick shades, clearly playing off Kristina's past career aspirations as a lawyer.

There is also a face palette with highlighters and blushes, an eyeshadow palette with 14 shades, and four new lip liners to match the lipsticks.

The products feature cute names referencing some of Kristina's favorite things, showing her influence and personal touch.

This collaboration carries on the tradition of various Kardashian-Jenner sisters and mom teaming up with Kylie for limited-edition collections, as Kris, Kendall, Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe have all done so previously.

To celebrate the launch that evening, Kristina, Kylie, and the whole Kardashian-Jenner clan gathered with other celebrity friends for a lavish launch party filled with blue flowers matching the collection's packaging.

Kylie gave a heartfelt speech expressing her gratitude for the chance to work with her big sister, while Kristina also shared words about how thrilled she was for this opportunity.

Party photos flooded social media, showing the sisters' excitement surrounding this new venture.

Jamal had been looking forward to attending Kristina and Kylie's makeup collaboration launch event, but unfortunately, he was out of town for an away game and unable to be there.

Wanting to still show his support and congratulate the women on their exciting partnership, Jamal sent over two very large, beautiful vases overflowing with pristine white roses for them.

The fragrant white blooms made a stunning statement at the event, and Kristina was so touched by Jamal's thoughtful gift that she made sure to send him a text later that night to express her gratitude.

The celebration didn't end there - the very next day, Kristina hosted an elegant Mother's Day brunch with POOSH, Kourtney's lifestyle brand.

Kristina wanted to bring together all the moms in her life for a special day of pampering and quality time together.

The atmosphere was laden with the lingering scent of roses from the night before, reminding everyone of Jamal's kindness.

Kristina felt so blessed to be surrounded by amazing women supporting one another, even when Jamal couldn't physically be there.

The white roses were the perfect representation of Jamal's pure intentions to honor Kristina and Kylie's achievements.

After returning home from the Mother's Day brunch, Jamal and the kids planned a special dinner for Kristina to show their appreciation for her on this special day.

Jamal surprised Kristina by making it home for Mother's Day.

Jamal got the kids involved in preparing Kristina's favorite meal - homemade lasagna with a fresh salad and garlic bread.

The savory aromas from the kitchen wafted through the house as they cooked together, filling the home with warmth and love.

Once the meal was ready, they excitedly called Kristina into the dining room, where they had set the table with their finest dishes and a beautiful bouquet of roses as a centerpiece.

Tears welled up in Kristina's eyes as she took in the scene and realized what her family had done for her.

Throughout the meal, conversation flowed as they reminisced about memories from when the kids were little, like Jace's first steps and Jade's dance recitals. Laughter filled the air.

After dinner, they moved to the living room where the kids had queued up old home videos to watch together.

Curled up on the couch, they grinned from ear to ear as they watched Kristina hold baby Jason for the first time, tiny newborn Jordyn sleeping peacefully. The years seemed to melt away as they reminisced.

To end the perfect evening, the kids presented Kristina with handmade Mother's Day cards and gifts they had thoughtfully picked out for her.

Kristina was overwhelmed by their thoughtfulness, knowing they had put so much love into making this day special for her.

It was a Mother's Day she would always cherish.

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