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Centuries after Gel-Squad, the Daughtler-Hirabayashi Industrial Corporation purchased a small startup called the Quantum-Utility Foundation, a corporation focused on time travel studies— space was not the final frontier after all. The DHIC would fund a promising— but risky operation to create a device to help scientists study space and time. Decades of research and innovation eventually led to the invention of the time skimmer, Mark One: a wrist-mounted multifunctional communications device, teleporter, holographic generator, and time machine. This device is one of the most sophisticated and versatile tools ever created... at least, it was meant to be. The early prototype led to the injury and death of several testers. Decades more engineering would follow until they were able to stabilize it. Utilizing this device, consumers could observe events in time and experience what it was like to walk in the 1990s or what it was like to live among the dinosaurs... that one was not as encouraged... for apparent reasons. The original premise was just fun.

So DHIC and Quantum had no issues selling this device to people— with innocent intentions. For the first few years, it was quite a success, and people mainly used it to observe time, as mentioned before. There were rules in place for how the device could be utilized safeguards in the software. However, certain jailbreakers who could remove the safety interlocks and allow users to access features that were usually locked out. People began using this thing to change the course of history in their favor, resulting in their advantage— but to someone else's misery. People who were once struggling to scrape by were suddenly multi-millionaires overnight; this was a trend that was rapidly emerging as these modifications began to become more popular. A cease and desist order was issued to these groups, but whoever listens to those.

Eventually, they needed assistance from the Dynamic Patrol. As they were likely the most capable of dealing with such a threat, this conflict quickly erupted and turned into an all-out temporal war, which was a fight between the individuals who wanted to use the device for personal benefit and all the various subdivisions of the DP, to include the exploration and hero divisions.

This war caused disastrous consequences for not just the planets in one timeline in one solar system. But thousands of versions of that planet spread across thousands of versions of that solar system in that singular timeline. The war was so uncontrollable that it inevitably caused a collapse so severe that by the end of the war, there was no clear winner; there were trillions of casualties. The timeline was a mess, as were the bystanders residing in those timelines. One thing was sure: this device was so dangerous that whoever owned one was ordered to turn it over to the galactic defense force known as the Dynamic Patrol.

Now, in the year 2349, the residents still feel the ripples of the temporal war, and certain anomalies were still waiting to cause disaster once again; to keep these fragments at bay, the remnants of the once-sophisticated 'time skimmer' were collected by the Dynamic Patrol, and repurposed into devices that could be used for repairing the timeline. The DP initiated yet another sub-division responsible for rebuilding the timeline and acquiring the remaining devices still in circulation. This Gauge and Polly are members of this subdivision. And they are entrusted with the maintenance of the timeline.

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