Chapter 10: To The Past

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Polly and Gauge wandered around, using their lights as tools instead of toys. They wandered off into the briefing room, where they'd gotten their sentence from Shadow. Gauge's light and attention were focused on the mural, specifically Tommy's portion inside his homeroom. He had a poster of the gooey squirrel in his bedroom and several other paraphernalia required by a fanboy, plushies, toys, fan art, and comics of made-up stories, a sort of 'what-if' created by the fans. But Tommy was his favorite. Because Tommy was more than just a superhero to Gauge; he was an inspiration, a beacon of hope in a world filled with challenges. Gauge had always felt a deep connection with Tommy; despite never having met him, he embodied resilience, courage, and a never-give-up attitude. He just wished he would've stayed a pacifist... but when times changed, so did the people. He had to adapt. Gauge would've been lucky to measure up to half of what he could do.

As Gauge stood in front of the mural, his flashlight casting a soft glow on the painted image of Tommy, memories flooded his mind. He reminisced the countless hours spent reading Tommy's field notes, watching his heroic exploits on the big screen, and even attempting to mimic his moves during training sessions. He wasn't an Omeocoon, but his training techniques were more than adaptable for modern teams, and his lessons were paramount for the current instructors. Seeing the shift in Gauge's demeanor, Polly approached his brother with a subtle understanding. Without saying a word, Polly aimed his flashlight at Tommy's portrait, highlighting the mural's details. The colors seemed to come to life under the illumination, capturing the essence of the superhero who had captured Gauge's heart. "He's something else, isn't he?" Polly remarked, breaking the silence. Gauge nodded, a fond smile playing on his lips.

"I can't believe I was never there to see any of it! Ugh!" Gauge smacked the side of his head, "Well, it's not like he's gone. He could have relatives; some of the Gel-Squad ended up getting together... like romantically." Polly explained, "Nah, I looked... his private life after the Patrol is classified. Of course. I bet it would've been cool to know him. I'd give anything to shake his hand."

"Well, too bad they don't have any skimmers left. Those things were awesome." Polly stated; Gauge blinked in shock. "Dude! Those things were not awesome; they almost ripped the fabric of reality apart because people kept trying to go back and change the course of time!"

"That is a valid point." Polly agreed. He remembered the temporal wars. Well, he read about them. To be quite honest... to him, it sounded like make-believe; there was no way such a device could take someone back in time; he'd have to see it for himself. "Would you go back in time if it meant leaving mom and dad behind?" Polly asked, Gauge paused for thought, "Would you?" The static silence between them indicated that they had both come to the same conclusion: they wouldn't trade their present for anything, even if it meant having a chance to meet their superhero idol, Tommy. The bond they shared as brothers, the experiences they had gone through together, and the lessons they had learned in the world of heroes were irreplaceable.

"Nah, I wouldn't change a thing," Gauge finally replied a sense of certainty in his voice. "Our journey, the good and the bad, it's all part of what makes us who we are."

Polly grinned, acknowledging the unspoken understanding. "Yeah, besides, who needs time travel when we've got our own adventures to create right here?"

As they left the briefing room, the brothers continued their patrol, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. The memory of Tommy's mural lingered in their minds, a reminder of the heroes who had paved the way for the next generation. Gauge felt a renewed sense of purpose, inspired not just by Tommy's fictional exploits but by the real-life heroes he had beside him – his family. The halls of the DP station echoed with the quiet footsteps of the two brothers, their flashlights serving not just as tools but as beacons of determination and camaraderie. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, drawing strength from the shared bond and the lessons learned from both their heroes and each other.

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