Chapter 7: The Boss

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Gauge and Polly sat for an hour in the waiting room. They watched the polished floors, sleek technology, and bustling personnel give off an air of efficiency and order. People came and went, took tickets, and then waited; some people were called. Some left because the wait was horrifying; they watched the Edait clerk as she met her relief, went on a lunch break for 30 minutes, returned, completed the rest of her shift, met another colleague, and talked for a little, just to be polite, and then surrendered to the front desk to that same man, and left for the day. Gauge and Polly were there for four hours before their number was finally called. They were escorted to a conference room where a stern-looking Dynamic Patrol Hero awaited them. The woman in charge, Shadow Blaze. At least that was her name on the streets; she didn't get to pick it; no matter, to Gauge and Polly, she was Ms.Terra. They used secret identities and made-up names out there, but it was okay to use real names in private among their own. She was known for her no-nonsense attitude and unwavering commitment to the principles of the Dynamic Patrol. She gestured for them to take a seat, and as they did, a Peacekeeper stood by the door, a silent observer of the unfolding events.

"Sit down," Shadow began, eyeing them with disappointment and concern. She was human-like, except for a pale white, almost doll-looking complexion; her lipstick was very red, just about the only color on her face; she wore a cloak that complemented her height. She kept the hood draped over her head most of the time she interacted with anyone. She was a master strategist, teacher, Gauge, and Polly's case manager. She spoke slowly and delicately; everything about her seemed calculated, from inhaling and exhaling... to staring daggers into Gauge and Polly as they entered.

"That will be all," She looked toward the Peacekeeper, and it responded with a slight bow and then departed, the automatic doors sealing behind; the woman sighed and scrolled through her notes on a tablet. "Your recent mission was not only reckless but also showcased a blatant disregard for protocol and the safety of civilians. The Dynamic Patrol does not tolerate such behavior." Terra didn't waste time, she sighed. She had a soft spot for nearly all her students, especially the route ones because that meant she would enjoy the outcome of their training even more. After all, by then, she'd expected to see them turned around by the time they were full members. Gauge and Polly exchanged glances, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. They knew that being a hero meant more than just displaying powers; it meant safeguarding the well-being of the public they served. "Gauge and Polly, I'm disappointed in you. I expect more from my students. And you know that." She added. Salt in the wound. 

Gauge shifted uncomfortably in his seat, sweat forming on his forehead. On the other hand, Polly maintained a stoic expression, his eyes locked on Shadow Blaze. The atmosphere in the room was tense as the weight of their actions bore down on them. "I understand, Shadow," Gauge finally spoke, his voice carrying a mix of regret and determination. "We messed up, and we're willing to face the consequences. But you've gotta understand that we just wanted to help. When we got the alert... I couldn't just sit there and let the peacekeepers handle it... I wanted to be a hero. We did." Gauge's eyes peered toward Polly. He did not forget that Polly was the one who wanted to go back to bed, but eventually, he got into the idea of saving lives. Now, a part of Gauge was wishing he could go back in time and tell himself not to respond to that alert.

Shadow Blaze remained unmoved, her piercing gaze scrutinizing them. "Acting fast is crucial, yes, but not at the cost of jeopardizing the lives of innocent civilians. There are protocols in place for a reason. Ignoring them puts everyone at risk, and I told you that on day one." Polly, usually the more outspoken of the duo, spoke up, "We were dealing with petty criminals holding some old lady at gunpoint! The peacekeepers wouldn't have gotten here fast enough! We couldn't afford to wait for approval. Lives were on the line."

The hooded figure nodded slowly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I understand the complexities of heroism, but you must learn that recklessness often leads to more harm than good. You both need to balance swift action and adherence to protocols."

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