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I was awaken by a bright light, it was too painful for me to open my eyes. It's like this everyday. He opens the curtains and I would automatically get out of bed.

"Finished all of your reports?" Peter asked.

"Kinda. Still have to edit the one I'm presenting to a client later." I said, updating him. He constantly tries to check up on my work, he doesn't want me to screw up like I did with my last job.

"Good. Oh, uh, here...." Peter said, handing me two rectangular pieces of paper which seemed like tickets.

"U2?!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMN IT PETE!!!!! I MIGHT FAINT!!!" I literally screamed and jumped all over the place and hugging him. "I thought they're sold out?" I asked.

"My client's husband is a friend of Edge, as soon as I knew I asked if she could get us tickets, it took a lot of nerves you know." He explained as he stirs his coffee.

"You're the best boyfriend ever---well, actually the only boyfriend I had!!! Still, you are the best!!!!" I said, rushing to him and wrapped my arms around his fit body. I looked up as i uttered those words again "I love you."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Anything for my queen. I love you even more."

I stared at our tickets again, I can't believe I'm finally going to watch U2 tonight!!! "Makes me want to not go to work."

"Hey, stop it, if you don't go....I'll rip off those tickets." He warned me. Sometimes, he's just like my father.

"Fine. Go, I know you have a lot to do." I said.

"I'll pick you up later okay? I love you." He said, cupping my face in preparation for a kiss.

"Okay. Love you too." I said in response and I watched his ass walk away from me, what a great view.


After an hour of intense torture in the conference room, I was able to deliver my report. The client was very happy with my proposal and so was my boss. He gladly gave me a half day today which was great considering I have a concert to watch later tonight.

*drum rolls* U FUCKING 2!!!!

Before going home, I decided to chill first and check my e-mails.

Tons of mail from travel sites, discount coupons, yada yada....

Oh! Great! An e-mail from Jazz.

"Here's the itinerary for the Homecoming tomorrow! See you there! (And there was a file inserted)"

It was a masquerade ball. (Pssh. What a lame idea.) And I almost forgot that it was already the 23rd tomorrow! Crap! And U2's concert is tonight and I still don't have anything to wear tomorrow. Thanks for the short notice, Jazz!

Time check: 3 pm

I went to a dress boutique just 4 blocks from my office, I spent 30 minutes looking for a dress and as I was about to give up, I see a red flowing gown with a semi-high slit. It wasn't revealing but it wasn't too much of a conservative dress either. Checking the price tag, it was priced $600 with a 25% discount.

I went out of the boutique store and walked to a Jimmy Choo outlet across the street. I decided to go with a pair of white heels which where pretty basic and costs a handsome amount of money.

After my short "shopping" I went straight home. It was 5 in the afternoon. I threw my bags onto the bed and stripped down to my undies to take a bath.

6 pm I was already out of the shower and done with my make up. Peter's supposed to be here at 6:30 pm so I went inside my closet and searched for a pair of comfortable jeans, my favorite Vans and a plaid polo.

I heard him open the door with his set of keys. "Hey?" He called out.

"Room!" I informed him of my whereabout.

He stepped in, his suit was in his hands, his tie undone and looks tired. "Wow. I really hit the jackpot didn't I?" He said.

I blushed. "What are you talking about? Hey, you looked tired." I said. Although I'd still force him to watch the concert even though he looks like shit.

"Not really. I'm just going to change my shirt...I have shirts here don't I?" He asked.

I gave him a nod.

As he was desperately looking for his shirts in my pile of clothes he looked up to me. "This is hard." He said.

I was confused so I gave him a confused look.

"What if I move in?" He asked.

This is huge. We've been dating for just four months. Okay, we said the "I love you"s recently but I think things were moving pretty fast.

"Isn't it too soon?" I asked.

"Is it? I just feel that it's right. I mean, if you want to move in with me instead, that's even better. My place is much closer to your office. Just think about it." He said.

I came to him, cupped his face with my hands. "I'll think about it." Then gave him a kiss.


When we got in the venue, it was already filled with thousands of fans.
We were seated at the middle section that has an amazing view of the whole place.

20 more minutes and they came out. I literally cried when I saw Bono. Damn it! He still got it!

Peter and I would occasionally look at each other after each song but we were so into the concert. I was so happy that I got to do this with him. I'm so in love with Peter.

An hour and a half and the show was about to end. Just one last song. Please let it be Staring at the sun. It's my absolute favorite.


I was so surprised that it was actually Staring at the sun!!! I didn't have the time to search for the setlist so I was just guessing! I can't believe this is happening.

I closed my eyes and sang the song as I held hands with Pete.

As I opened my eyes they were already taking a bow.

"Good night, New York!!!!!" Shouted Bono and that ended the most amazing moment of my life.

Then it all came rushing back to me. I suddenly remembered why I loved U2 so much. It was because it's U2 that's always playing on his car every time we go out either as a group or just us 2.

It was U2 playing the first time we went out alone.

U2 is his favorite band. U2 is Andrew's favorite band.




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