Karen: Day One

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The sound of the alarm was buzzing through my ears. I want to throw it out of my room but I was too tired to get up and do it. I slept late last night. I still want to sleep. Can I be absent for today? I mean it's just the first day of school.

The alarm was at it again. I can't take it anymore. I finally got up and shut it off. As I was about to go back to sleep my mom entered the room.

"Karen! Don't go back to bed. It's almost 6:30 and your class starts at 7:00, don't be so stubborn." She said.

I pretended not to hear her and I allowed my body to drag me down the bed again.

Ahhhh. This feels so good.

"I told you to get up!" Mom said as she started to hold my arms and forced me to stand up.

"All right, I'm up already."

But I wasn't. I was still so tired. I just want to be absent. Just for today, damn it.

"Go ahead and take a bath, your dad's taking you to school."


So I got up and took a quick quick shower. The water was freezing. I couldn't take it anymore. I put on my newly pressed uniform, still hot from mom's ironing and head down to have some breakfast.

"You're gonna be late, it's already 6:55" Mom said.

"So, I'm gonna be late for a while, relax, it's just day one, Mom." I told her as I nibbled on a piece of crispy bacon.

She gave me the look.

"Let's go, just take your breakfast with you and eat it in the car." Dad said as he fixed his newspaper, took his car keys and kissed my Mom.

I did what he told me. Kissed my Mom goodbye and head out to the car.

I arrived at school only 10 minutes late, they were doing the usual raising of the flag. All kinds of nationalism bullshit.

I saw Jazz, my best friend, as she goes down the car.

"Jazzzzzz!" I yelled.

"Oh my goooooood! Karen!" She screamed back as she ran towards me and we hugged.

"Stop it, it's like we haven't seen each other in forever. We just went out for coffee the other night." I told her.

"Yeah, but, it's school. So it's kind of different!" She said.

"C'mon, let's go inside."


We're only on our second period but I wanted to go home already. It's just so boring, introducing ourselves to new students.

Finally, break time!

Jazz and I went to the cafeteria to get some food.

"So, I was told that the new Stat teacher's kinda hot." Jazz said.

"Finally, time to get some pretty face up in this hell hole." I told her as I picked my food from the trays.

"I know, I can't wait to see him!" She said.

"What did Jeremy say about this?" I teased.

"Oh, come on." She told me.

We quickly finished our snacks because Jazz was forcing me to so that we can go back to our room fast.

Jeez. This girl cannot contain herself.

So we got back earlier. We patiently waited for the new teacher to arrive. Jazz was so excited and she can't even sit properly.

She haven't even seen the guy! I mean, she has a boyfriend. A very hot one. The basketball team captain. Oh come on, Jazz.

5 mins into the subject time and the new guy hasn't arrived yet. What's taking him so long? He's new and he's already late on his first day.

Finally after 10 minutes, he showed up.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He looks like an angel pretending to be a Stat teacher.

I can see Jazz looking at me and smirking.

"Good Morning, guys. So sorry I'm late. I lost my cars keys earlier this morning. Uh, well, my name's Andrew Jameson. I'm obviously new...."

I didn't even care what he was saying. I've never been in love before, except with movie actors. But this one's different, I can tell. I know I'm only 16 and he's probably a lot older than me but what the hell.

"Hey, uh, are you okay?" Mr. Jameson asked.

"Whu---what? Me?" I asked.

"Yeah, Uhm, I was asking your names and you're next but I think you're a bit out of this room. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

I stood up straight and smiled. "Yeah, I good. My name's Karen Elliot."

Jazz was again, looking at me. She mouthed me words which I think were "I TOLD YOU SO"

After a few minutes of introductions, he told us a little something about himself, which I found very interesting.

I noticed that he has a bit of an accent that I found really sexy.

Sadly, the class had to end.

I watched him packing his stuff carefully.

"I told you he's hot." Jazz came up to me and surprised the shit out of me.

"He really is." I told her honestly.

"You should flirt with him though." She told me.


"Yeah, but if you guys keep it as a secret then it wouldn't be, right?" She told me.

There was a part of me that wanted to but a huge chunk of me doesn't want to because he could get fired and honestly I don't really think he'll even like me in the first place.

"No way. I'm not flirting with our teacher." I said.

"All right. Whatever you say. I saw the way you looked at him though. I never saw you looking at anyone like that." She said.

After a few hours the bell rang. Finally! School for today is over.

"So, dinner tonight at my place or yours?" Jazz asked me.

"My parent's are going out tonight so...my place is cool." I told her.

"Yay! I'll be there after practice! Love yah!" She said and waved goodbye.

I was walking through the parking lot and I saw him about to get in his car.

"Hey, Karen, right?" Mr. Jameson said.

I gave him a nod.

"You walking? Is anybody picking you up?" He politely asked.

"Yup, uhm, my dad should be here any minute now."

Damn it. I should've told him no one's picking me up. Maybe he'll give me a lift home.

"Oh, well, see you tomorrow then."

He flashed that gorgeous smile at me. Damn it. He looks so good.

I watched him get into his car, he started the engine then drifted away, he smiled at me before finally leaving.

Holy fucking shit.

I'm in big trouble.


Hope y'all will continue to support this story! :)

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The author ❤️

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