Karen: Day Two

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After Mom and Dad left, I immediately texted Jazz.

A few minutes after, she was brought over by Jeremy who had to attend to a party so he had to go quickly.

"So, what are we having for tonight?!" She asked.

"We have sushi. Shall we call for pizza?" I asked her.

"Sushi and pizza sounds great. The hell with my diet!" She said and rushed to get the telephone.

Shortly after the pizza guy came, we settled into the dining room to eat.

"So...what's the plan?" She asked

"Plan about what?" I asked.

"Duh? About Mr. Jameson! Don't pretend, girl. I know when you like someone and when you don't." She said.

It's true. We've been friends since grade school. I watched her being chased by boys and she probably watched me drool over hot celebrities over the years.

"Look, I do find him very attractive but let's face it, he's our teacher. We can't get involve with anyone who's an employee at our school, are you out of your mind?" I told her after taking a bite of my still-hot pepperoni pizza.

"I'm just saying that he could be you know....the right one for you."

I laughed.

"Seriously, Jasmine, you're telling me that? You should stop reading those Nicholas Sparks books. You're getting all cheesy lately." I said.

"All right, well, I'm just giving my opinion that's all."

I gave her a short smile and we continued to finish our meals and figured out the rest of what we're gonna do for the night.

I woke up earlier than usual, surprisingly.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, put on my uniform and went down to the kitchen where I spot my mother cooking breakfast.

"Well, well, you're up early." Mom said.

"What time did you guys get in?" I asked.

"2 am." Dad said.

"Had fun last night?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, Jazz came over. We ordered pizza and watched stuff." I said.

"Have some breakfast." Mom said after placing a plate of sausages, eggs and bacon before me.

"Thanks." I said.

After breakfast, Dad, as usual brings me over to school.

"Take care, sweetie." Dad said and gave me a hug.

"You too, Dad." I said before I closed the car door.

I can't wait to see Mr. Jameson in all honesty.

I saw Jazz instead.

"Guess what, I saw Mr. Jameson last night when Jeremy picked me up. He was out with his friends I guess. Anyway, I just saw him at this restaurant on our way home." She said.

"Wow, that's great news." I said sarcastically

She rolled her eyes on me.

Finally, Stat time.

He smiled at me again.

Oh the little things you do.

He seriously knows what he's talking about. He's really smart.

And he smells so good.

I don't want this class to end.

But again, it did.

Class ended too after a while.

"You're satisfied with that?" Jazz asked me.

"With what?"

"Just by looking at him?" She said.

"Well, yeah. I have to be. There's no next level to this." I said.

"If I were you, I'm gonna start adding him up on social media and chat up with him. You know? Nothing illegal about that!" She suggested.

That's kind of a good idea.

"Well...uh...I guess." I said.

"Just think about it." Jazz told me and left shortly after being called for practice.

I saw him again on the parking lot.

This time, I didn't let him see me. I just watched him quietly.

Oh my. He looks so refined and peaceful.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I want him so bad but I just cannot.

Two days and I'm already falling....

This has to be a joke.

But I don't think it is....

Uh-oh, I'm in big trouble.


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I hope it doesn't bore you or anything. I'll try my best to improve it as we go along.

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