Chapter Four

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8 months later.....

My love for him was still there but it's not like it was before.

We're close friends now outside of school. We hung out in groups. He always treats us (his students) to coffee or lunch.

He's a very cool guy.

I was surprised when my feelings for him was slowly shutting down.

Or so I think.

One night I was browsing through my news feed when a message popped up.

"Hey, you doing anything on Sunday?" Andrew asked.

Woah. What's the meaning of this? Maybe I'm just overthinking things.

"Uh, Nope." I said.

"Cool. Jacob ditched me, We were supposed to go to this baseball game and he said his girlfriend was in town so he can't go. I also asked Jazz but she said she can't." Andrew said.

Holy shit, he's asking me out.

"All right. Cool. I'll go with u." I typed and answered back.

"See u at 7" He replied.


I hardly slept last night. I tried on everything I had in my closet. I was so obsessed by the fact that we were going out...just the two of us.

Overthinking about what will happen on that game, will he talk to me and see me other than being his student? I don't know.

As I was about to go and take a bath, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Karen! I'll be picking you up earlier." He said.

"Oh, yeah, sure." I said. I checked my watch and it's just 30 mins away from 6. I'm fucked.

"All right. Later." He said and quickly ended the call.


I took a shower as quickly as I can, I don't want him waiting outside my house. I don't want him to wait. Period.

My heart beats faster than usual when I think about him.

Like a typical teenager.

I got out of the shower and it's 5:45. Jeez. I still have to fix my hair and find something to wear.

I chose to wear a white shirt and black skinny jeans and my favorite pair of Nike's.


I let my hair down and leave it to dry. I still haven't got any make-up on. It's a struggle.

I put on mascara. I'm so bad with make-up.


SHIT. He's here!

I look out the window and he was there. Fuck, I saw my Dad go out. I didn't want to rush down to stop him because I look stupid with my face half done with make up.

I just went back at the mirror and try to finish my make up as soon as possible. My mind was going nuts.

What is he saying to my Dad? Mom? Or what are they going to ask him? Fuck!

As soon as I was finished, I grabbed my phone and went out of the room and down the stairs.

I saw him holding a glass of lemonade that my Mom apparently offered him. They were all smiling and looking at me.

"You didn't tell me that you're all going out with your teacher, honey." Dad said.

"Yeah, I though you were just going out with Jazz." Mom added.

Oh fuck.

"Uh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that he's coming with us....we're going bowling." I said.

"Well, we should go. Everybody's waiting for us." I quickly ended the silence.

Dad nodded and Andrew stood up.

"It was nice meeting you. Thank you for the lemonade." Andrew said, holding out his hand for Dad to shake.

"No problem." Dad said trying to act cool.

"Now, honey, take care of yourself." Mom reminded me.

"I will." I said.

As soon as we stepped out of our house I questioned him.

"What was that?" I asked.

"What was what?" He asked.

"You know what. Why did you tell them that we're with my classmates?" I said.

"They're gonna think that I'm going to take advantage of you if they know that we're going on a game together, just the two of us." He explained.

"That's why I told you to just wait outside and not honk your car horn. Jeez." I said.

"Woah there. We're not supposed to fight you know? We're suppose to have a good time, so chill." He calmed me down.

I was over reacting. He was just trying to save both of our asses but I was too consumed by the fact that he lied to my parents. I mean, who cares? Right? I'm not suppose to be affected by his lying. It's not like we're gonna date or something.

I seriously had no idea what was going through my head. I was having a mental break down. He did the right thing anyways.

"You're right. I am over reacting." I admitted.

"Let's try and have a good time, okay?" He offered.

I smiled back at him and we went off to see the game.


Sorry for the delay!!!!

What's happening with Karen????


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