starter (skip if not wanted)

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Ok, this is my first story, so... you get the awkwardness that's giving me chills. I'm not here to cause any rough fighting... I just want to make a story that doesn't involve... you know...✨️ my sanity ✨️

Enjoy this book if you like if it's to cause you suffering or to get your fantasy dreams flying, then read ahead. But there will be mature content for your pain side and your... you get it, you dirty minded homans. I have some warnings up ahead, though.

Contains blood or mention of it.
Murder or violent, whichever you prefer to call it.
Boys playing~ 🥲 why...
Pennywise 😍 he's got to be a warning!
Patrick being a... perv
And lastly... bullying

If you are under age, go back my children, fight your war to wait till you're at least 16! (Whatevers the legal age). Now let me do my happy dance in peace! Also, I don't do images or videos for... reasons! Haha, you can't leave. You're already trapped in my story. Please dint leave 😢 😔

Enjoy my readers and enjoy my interesting story option... I regret it already... I promise I'll make an actual book for readers who enjoy reading non romantic novels? Is that what you call them? Idk.

*waves goodbye* Oh, and yes, there will be actions like that and povs. OK, so dont panic 🙂 🙃 😐 😬

Realised I did 238 words, oh it went up to.. oh, it's moving, hah woops...

K, I'm leaving for real now.. *leaves book*

patrick and henry (after the accident)Where stories live. Discover now