chapt 6 touch

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Henry awoke that morning to the ringing of birds in his ear. It wasn't the worst noise to be woken by, but he didn't fully enjoy it either. But that wasn't the only thing Henry had noticed. When the boy tried to move, he felt something pull him back, which made his eyes shut tight, and his grip tightened. Soon after a bit of a struggle, he managed to make out a familiar something in front of him. No. It was patrick. With one swift motion, he kicked him away and sat up. "Ouch!" Patrick whined as he rubbed his stomach. "What the hell are you doing in my bed?!" He yelled, feeling the slightest bit of guilt. No, that's not what it was. Definitely not. "Well, first things first you fell into my bed... well, mattress,  then I kinda got uncomfortable with how spacious it was, so I got us both up into your bed," he hummed, giving henry a creepily large grin. "You. f!cking. A$$h0le!" Henry's face, though he hid it, turned a dark red as he fled to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a bath and wash all the you off of me," Henry declared, not looking back. "Well, maybe I'll join ya to save the water bills!" Patrick jumped up and made his way to the bathroom, but before he could go in, the door slammed in front of him.

Henry, completely naked and cold, slipped into the water. At first, he'd tested it with his foot but then ingulfed himself into it. The water liquid felt settling around him, and he felt quite deserving of this luxury. His breath grew heavy as he looked back at what had happened the past week. How much changed with Patrick being back. When would he see his parents again? His thoughts were cut off by a loud knock on the bathroom door. "Hen, could I take a p!ss, I'm kinda desperate," patrick murmured from the other side of the door. Henry's body soon heated up, not from the water, though. "Use the downstairs one, you idiot," he snapped back. "Well... about that -" patrick chuckled out in his dark grey  tone. "I kinda got frustrated with how Butch couldn't fit in the cupboard, so I cut off his head and shoved it down the toilet. Henry froze. Patrick gritted his teeth together, knowing full well what was coming when. Henry started to laugh?! Patrick felt like he was hearing stuff. "Get in here and take your p!ss," henry chuckled.

Patrick strolled in, his shoulder back, and his head held high. He attempted to take a glimpse at henry but failed as his knees were right up to his shoulder, covering his body in the water. "You're a real dummy for doing that," henry grumbled in his negative voice. "Eh, at least he's not in my fridge,". Henry turned to him in disgust. "OK, ok, let me use the damn toilet now,". The situation was now awkward since the sound of peeing filled the air. Henry grew embarrassed, but Patrick just stood there as chil, as ever. He'd done something similar before when he'd p!she'd all over his ex's stuff, but that was it. He soon zipped up his pants and called it quits. "Wash your hands!" Henry demanded, giving him a stern look. "Don't worry, I will, I'm not a monster!," he joked, washing his hands. But instead of leaving like that, he strolled on over to Henry. "What the hell, you've done what you needed to now leave!" He was becoming inpatient. Patrick didn't respond. He looked down at Henry's body and then knelt down beside him. 😏.  "Why'd you let him do to you?," he questioned, not daring to look henry in the eye. It was a shock to the small boy that he'd asked a question like that. Patrick wasn't one to care about what others got up to. The room became silent. "Don't worry, you can tell me after," so he stood up and left, leaving hen shocked and still as stone.

After Henry was done and fully clothed, he walked out to see Patrick sat on the bed with his hands covering his face. He looked... ashamed and irritated. "Are you real? Are you real," he kept muttering as if he was having a mid-life crisis. "I am, if that's what you're wondering," henry said in a stern tone. He hated Patrick with his "I'm the only real" thing, but he also respected it... in a way. Patrick looked up, surprised to see him. His eyes soon fell dull with an emotionless glum stare. "Yeah, right.." he stated, clearly out of it. Henry gave an angry sigh and stormed over to Patrick. "Fine then, if I'm not real, can you feel my touch, huh?"He lifted Patrick's hands up and put them onto his chest. "See, real as day!". "Patrick's eyes glistened, and his creepy smile soon appeared. "Did you get hit in the heac or what?" Patrick questioned, squeezing Henry's chest. Henry was about to punch him when Patrick's tall a$$ arms pulled him in. "I guess... you could, maybe be real," he murmured, burying his face into Henry's neck. Normally, Henry would kick him away and yell at his, but he... couldn't. So he sat there rubbing circles on his friends back.

Soon, after a while, he became restless and started to shift about. Patrick's head was still buried into his neck, but he didn't do anything. Then he felt it. Patrick slowly bit down into Henry's neck, making him groan in surprise. "Wh-what the heck -" he was soon cut off by another bite, which soon followed another groan. "Patrick,what are you doing," henry grumbled, fighting the other off. "Seeing if you're real," his voice was muffled, and his chuckles vibrated against Hen's neck. "Just play along,". Henry wanted to kick him away, but his body made him stay put. He wasn't a fag but still he was letting this freak bite him!? Patrick rubbed up and down Henry's side gently nudging into him. The sounds he got in response were like music to his ears. "Patrick. Get. Off," henry demanded. "Just one more hen, come on," he pushed. This time, the bite was rougher and sharp. Then he licked it. Soon, he was pushed to the ground by henry, who was panting and as red as a strawberry. "I'm going to kill you hockstetter," he managed to make out. Patrick licked his lips. "You enjoyed it though," he hummed. "No, I f!cring didn't," henry shot at him. Patrick wasn't taken back by this at all. "Let's just say, I'm finding out whether you're real or not," he smirked.

A/n: Sorry, this chapter is short, and I was logged out of my account, and then I forgot about it 😅

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