chapt 7 rethinking

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Henry never really got why Patrick was so weird. He was never really bothered by it the most. Sometimes Henry would ponder why in the world he chose Patrick to be his friend. One thing was that with Patrick being so scary, he was a good distraction, but that wasn't it at all. When the two boys first met, Patrick was a bit plump and had weird hobbies. He didn't have friends nor cared. The one time Henry truly met Patrick when he noticed a few boys picking on him. He didn't really care for the fact that it was patrick, more that he cared about who the boys were. Those two boys were Henry's ex-friends/the top people on his beat-up list. When the two boys called out his name, he instantly recognised the boy. He'd heard their primary teacher call out his name multiple times, giving him warnings and detentions. A few kids would also snitch on him for doing weird stuff like stuffing dead animals in his bag and showing them to others.

That day changed both boys' lives as Henry beat both pathetic boys to a pulp. Henry saw how creepy Patrick was with the way Patrick never took an eye off of him. It startled the boy a bit, but that was how he took a liking to Patrick. So he asked the question. "Hey, freaky, you're weird, wanna be friends?" Henry snapped, staring at him and extending a hand. Patrick muttered something like usual but didn't really say anything. He wasn't that into the whole friends fiasco as he thought that they where just a pawn in his whole life, but this boy, this blonde enchanting anger issued (I think you get it) boy was different. "Why?" Patrick asked, even though he didn't have a care in the world. "You're freaky, and I think that's cool," Henry replied, a toothy grin tinted on his face. Patrick paused again, his blank eyes staring unfazed at the grinning boy. "OK, I'm p-", "patrick, I know, Madeline always tells on you to the teacher," Henry interrupted, taking Patrick's hand and shaking it. "I'm henry if you'd like to know."

That was the first time they met whilst Henry met Victor when he was a baby, and Belch just appeared one day when Patrick found him. Now, in the present time, we continue back to Henry, passing in the kitchen as he rethinks what just happened between Patrick and him earlier. How this little event has affected their relationship. How THIS decision that happened when they were kids was a good idea. Henry leaned against the counter, his elbows keeping up his body weight. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid," he muttered to himself. His heart started to raise as many situations and scenarios filled his head. His focus faded back onto Patrick. The situation that happened earlier dawned into his mind. He could still feel Patrick's chapped lips against his neck and the way his teeth made a popping noise as he finished off a hickey.

After calming down a bit more, he felt something strange behind him. He felt a shadow of negativity lean down on him when two hands clasped him in a grasp, straddling his waist. "What the f- ". Before he could finish, a hand was put over his mouth as a head rested against his shoulder. From the gold ring on his index finger and chipped nails, he knew it was Patrick behind him. Henry tried to stand up but was then pressed down, his elbows digging into the counters surface. "What were you thinking about, huh?" Patrick murmured. He could feel Patrick's grin form onto his face. "I think you know hockstetter," henry grumbled. He then heard Patrick's chuckle. Patrick enjoyed teasing him more than his fridge, well actually he put them on the same level, and in that moment, he felt at ease. His eyes darted to the smaller boys face, his nose scrunched up in frustration.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" Henry demands an answer as his mind passes in confusion. He nudged Patrick off him and glared into his eyes angrily. "The hickey or.. the me putting my hands on your waist," he smirked. "Both, but mainly the hickey you a$$h0le!". Again, Patrick let a chuckle escape his lips. "I don't know, it's not as good as when we did it in the junkyard," patrick clicked his tongue. His expression soon changed as the angry boy kicked him. "Awh, come on, you like it," he teased, limping slowly closer to Henry. The raven head smirked as Henry didn't move an inch. "I. Did. Not." He let out as Patrick soon stepped back, declaring he was going to get Butches head out the toilet, leaving Henry alone to think about what the hell just happened. It was confusing. It was strange. Thoughts went back into Henry's head again, his breath becoming thick as his head span. What was going on! He needed to settle. It was becoming too much. Was this a big joke to Patrick, or was he actually interested in him. It didn't matter anyway as he didn't like Patrick back. He couldn't like Patrick back. He didn't like boys. His dad, if he were here, would be beating him if even a word about boys would slip out of his mouth. He banged his hand against the counter and bit his lip, drawing blood, pure and red. He was going crazy. Tears pricked in his eyes, although he'd never admit. His vision became blurry as his body slowly slumped down into the darkness.

When Patrick came back, his vision fell to the shaking boy, and his knees pulled up to his chest as tears flooded out his eyes. A pain so strange strung in his chest from the sight which confused Patrick to his very core. Surprisingly, he rushed over to the shaking soul and knelt down to eventually start to ease the boy with his murmuring voice. "Hey, hey, shh," his voice soothed, grabbing ahold of Henry's wrists. He rubbed his wrists in a settling manner as he contemplated each action he did. "Why the f!ck do you care," he heard the soft voice croak out. It startled Patrick as he didn't know the answer himself. Why was he infact looking after him. His hand forced his wrists away from his face and lifted up his chin. Henry's face was stained with tears, which didn't make him look ugly. A quick thing between us is that Patrick infact is a dacryphilia and a sadist in a way. If you don't know what a dacryphilia is, i think these next interactions will answer your questions. "F!ck off," he whimpered as Patrick ran his finger against the blondes eye. A smile so creepy grew apon his face, in a way so different from his others. Soon, henry became anxious with the way the psycho looked down on him. Then he could feel it. Patricks hand grazed his thighs as he leant into his imbrase. "Patrick... get off," he ordered, his hand slamed against Patrick's. "But you're enjoying it," he murmured, his cold eyes becoming psycho. And then...

A/N : cliffhanger!!! Plus, I'm not really interested in this book rn, but I'm still going to write it... idk why, though. Plus, I'm literally trying not to make them be together so soon and stretch it out. Baii xx

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