chap 3 vic and belch

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The sound of the wind banging against the window woke patrick up but not henry. He noticed he'd had his arms wrapped around the boy since the blanket wasn't enough heat. A terrible storm had rolled in the other night, but both boys weren't frightened. They'd played games still and laughed, smoked and drank like it was their last day on earth. They'd never ever acted like this in a million years. Why now? Nobody knows. The comfort just seemed into them, and they didn't feel uncomfortable. Butch however was still in his room 'sleeping' on the floor. Patrick didn't let henry go in there in case he overreacted. It was a bloody mess. Literally.

Henry's head dozed into Patrick's chest, still sleeping through the noise of the wind. He must have been used to it by now. He raised one hand and slowly stroked his hair back with one quick motion. This boy was glorious to him. He felt real. But was he? He kept having that debate with himself about him being real or not. Deep down, it felt right, but could it be. These feelings confused him. Uh, oh. He'd tugged too hard on his hair, and henry scrunched his face. "Cute," patrick chuckled out as he creepily stared down at him. His eyes were glued to the boy, and he bit his lip. He wanted to do stuff he shouldn't. But should he?

"Agh, bastard, what the hell?" Henry jumped up, knocking his friend off the bed. "Ouch," he whimpered teasingly, looking deep into Henry's eyes. He sat up and leaned over the bed. "Didn't like it, Bowers?"Shut it cocksucker!" Henry rolled his eyes. Patrick clicked his tongue and went into the bathroom to get ready. Meanwhile, henry clawed his way into his drawer. "Where is it? Where is it," he repeated to himself, his eyes darting through all the clutter. Soon, he found it. The picture that was his holy grail. His mother. The same picture he'd taken down the other day. He couldn't help by smiling softly at her face. Her dress made her facial features stand out. She was the only special thing that once lived.

"Oh, Bowers," hockstetter hummed as he turned out the bathroom. He caught a glims of Henry's smile before it turned into a scowl, and he hid a picture behind his back. "What you got there, Mr. Bowers?" He chuckled. "Shut up. Are you done?" Patrick put out his hand and gave a bow whilst henry stormed through to the bathroom with a slight smile still painted on his face. A creepy thought pulled itself into his mind. The urge to peer in the bathroom and see him was strong. Being the creep, he was patrick peered in to see a half-naked henry with only his iconic crop top on (You know the one, i mean). "Damn," he hummed to himself. His body wasn't what you'd expect. He had abs and everything, but he still had curved hips. Wow, where they are beautiful.

The wind banged against the window again, so he went to close it. Then, something caught his eye. Henry had left the picture out. Soon, he was walking towards it, then picking it up, and after he was scanning the picture, looking over the details. Then he saw it. The words mama were carved in the corner with a red pen. "Mama? Wait, is this - " "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Both of them froze. He'd changed rather quickly and was now looking terrified, but... angry? "I saw it on the bed... I," patrick couldn't think. Thoughts clouded his mind on what to say. But henry didn't stay mad for long. "You didn't see the writing on it, right?" His voice shivered. The weakness in him was exposed. "Yes. She's your mum, am i right?" Henry nodded slowly. He couldn't look him in the eyes.

The sound of a car outside was heard. Shit, he forgot belch was picking him up to hang out this afternoon. He was in his 1958 blue trans-am. He loved to drive, so it was no surprise he insisted on picking  henry up. That just meant he got to drive it more. The only problem with belch driving is that he gets too focused on it. His parents had gotten into many crashes when they hadn't been focused on the road, and he never went in a vehicle that wasn't driven by himself (except for the bus).

Belch beeped the horn a few times and ran the engine. It was go time he was saying. "Shit," henry cursed under his breath. Why now. "I gotta go, I'm supposed to meet up with belch and vic," his voice back to his grumpy old self. "Aww, but what about me," he fakes a sad face and leans down to Henry's height. "Aren't you supposed to be missing or let alone dead?" Patrick shook his head. "We'll just have to tell them," he chirped, grinning smugly.

patrick and henry (after the accident)Where stories live. Discover now