The Invisible Boy

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Hello! Thank you for viewing this! Whoever you guys are. Just thought I'd give a bit of info.

This : ~~~~ : is change in pov.

Thank you!


"Boss! We have a situation!" a goon exclaimed, bursting into the main "office".

The "office" was more like a penthouse, with a desk and chair facing away from the glaze of the glass wall overlooking the cityscape. In the chair was a very buff man with a long scar across his right eye, reaching down past his chin. A horrible battle wound. The eye had long lost its sight, and the scar tissue made the pupil wide like a goat's, with the scar pattern aligning with the other scar tissue on the man's skin.

The man looked up from the computer he was typing on.


"Yes, sir."

The man looked back down 

"Then why are you bothering me? Just send some boys to take care of it."

"Well. You see, sir. We did..."

The man looked back up at the goon in his doorway.


"...and...they're dead, sir."

The man paused for a moment, then let out a long sigh.

"What floor?"

"47, sir."

"Alright. Lead the way." The man got up from his chair.


The man walked towards the goon, who now backed into a small room with an elevator door on one side.

"If the guys that were sent were the ones from above floor 40, then that means the person responsible for killing them also has some sort of combat abilities that could rival Captain America's. You guys can't handle them."


"Then lead the way."

"Y-yes, sir"

They both got on the elevator. The goon was about to push the button for floor 47, but his boss stopped him.

"No. Hit floor 70."


"They would have already climbed some floors by the time we arrived. We'll wait for them."

"Oh. Yes, sir."

The goon pushed a button with the number "70" next to it. The elevator doors closed.

The penthouse was silent for a few moments. Faint sounds from explosions could be heard, followed by slight tremors in the infrastructure. Rays from the sun highlighted the contrasts between the hardwood floors and the white furniture.

One of the hardwood floorboards creaked, and slight wisps of translucent smoke appeared from behind one of the luxurious sofas. Barely visible to the naked eye.  


"That was to close," I muttered.

I quickly made my way towards the desk with the laptop on it, the faint particles of smoke trailing behind me. I pressed the power button.

-Please enter password-

I typed in one of the codes I got from my info broker.

-Access denied-

I typed in the next one.

-Access denied-

I typed another.

-Access denied-

I typed one more.

-Access Denied-

-WARNING : 4 failed password attempts- 

-6 more till factory reset.-

"Well. Time for plan B."

I closed the laptop and picked it up.

I put it in the back corner of my inventory. The laptop seemingly disappeared from my hands. I checked my effects timer.  

Invisibility - 40 seconds remaining.

I let out a sigh.

"Well. Time to improvise."

I readied my mob head mask in my inventory. Although I could just use another potion, I wanted to see how a threat from the Marvel universe would react to my existence.

 I checked the timer again.

Invisibility - 3 seconds remaining.

Showtime. Literally.

I equipped the mob head the exact moment the effect wore off. I looked for any cameras in the room. I couldn't see any, but that doesn't mean I could let my guard down.

"Ok. Now lets see how anyone secretly watching would react to this." I walk back over to the desk and sat down on the larger-than-normal-big-bad-boss chair.

I moved the laptop to my hotbar and pulled it out.

"Ok. Now lets do this."

'/gamemode 1.'

My hunger and heart bars disappeared. I was now possibly one of the strongest beings in the Marvel comic universe. But then again. This is the COMIC universe. There aught to be WAAAYYY stronger beings in this universe. Maybe celestial gods or space wizards. Ever since I found out I could use commands (which was three days ago), I realized I was possibly one of the most dangerous beings that currently exist. The simple kill command itself could potentially wipe out the entire universe of all living things. Disregarding things like plants, of course...

But I don't want to just go turning into a dragon to fight every thug I meet. I don't know if there are people who can affect my power to the point where I can't use or even lose certain parts of it. And I don't exactly want all the evil scientists in the world to know that there is a sixteen year old who respawns on his bed every time he dies. I didn't want to live in a nightmare, especially as a lab rat. But I guess getting randomly transported to the crazy marvel comic universe with the player's abilities from Minecraft is it's own kind of nightmare.

 All I really want to do is just avoid trouble. Or too much, at least.

I looked at the laptop in my hand. I set it on the desk. An identical laptop was still in my same hand. I put the laptop I was holding back in another hot bar slot so that it would disappear from my hand. I opened the new copy of the enemy boss's laptop and powered it on.

-Please enter password-

-WARNING : 6 attempts remaining till factory reset-

I smiled.

"Time to grind...."


And that concludes another one. Thanks for reading!

Some feedback is appreciated!

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