An Identity Crisis

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OK! Here is what we've all been waiting for (Or at least I'VE been waiting for). The encounter of our mc by Gwenpool, our second lead mc. How is it all going to go down. I wonder...


-Access Denied-

-Warning : Password attempted to many times-

-Factory Reset initiated-

Koto frowned. He tossed the now reset laptop to his left. The laptop spun through the air...

..and landed on a very large mound of identical laptops piling up against the wall.

Their numbers had recently entered the hundreds.

Koto only had a few passwords to try left in his notes. He got out another identical laptop.

-Please Enter Password-

He started punching in the next series of passwords on the was guaranteed that one of them had to work. He only had just a few more to try out. One of them had to work.

Koto was so focused on his task at hand that he didn't notice that the elevator had just arrived and a person entered the room.


Gwenpool had seen some weird things in her adventures. But this...

...this was a new one.

In a giant room that was a hybrid of a CEO's office and a billionaire's penthouse was a large desk with its back facing the giant floor to ceiling window. The afternoon light beamed through it, reflecting off of the furnished wooden floor an illuminating the entire penthouse. Sitting in behind the desk was what appeared to be a small man wearing a blue hoodie...

...A man with a human skull for a head.

It was bizarre. The person had a skull for a head, but his hands and even neck appeared to be made out of normal human flesh and skin. But the skull...she could see through the eye sockets and into the empty space where the brain was supposed to be. She could literally see the inside of the back of his head. That wasn't normal. The eye sockets of skulls do not lead directly to the brain cavity. There might be a tiny gap for a nerve, but that's it. Though, it could be fake.

 His neck's skin stopped where the bone of the skull began. 

How was this guy even alive?

It was ironic. The apparent brains behind the syndicate's operations had, in fact, no brain. It was a little creepy. A skull headed man sitting in a large and cushioned chair, which seemed to say :

 "The person sitting in this chair is the big boss supervillain baddie guy. He's, like, totally super mega evil. He probably eats kittens on lunch break."

Now the real problem was how to kill this guy. He didn't exactly have a brain. So she couldn't exactly shoot him in the h-. 

It dawned on her. 

"Its an illusion!", Gwenpool shouted.

Koto jumped.

"Don't scare me like that. I'm kinda in the middle of somethi-." 

He looked up at the person that broke his focus.


"FINALLY! Somebody knows me!", Gwenpool said excitedly.

" you have an appointment?", stuttered Koto.

" Well yes, but actually, no.", Gwenpool said. She pointed her pistol at him.

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