Chapter 6: I Have To..... What?

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 I sat next to Donnie as he was building something, I wasn't exactly paying much attention, and I wasn't going to lie. I was tired. It was three in the morning, and I had promised Donnie I would stay up all night with him. I yawned, laying my head down on the table. "Dooonnnniiieee, can I sleep now?" I groaned, sitting up again, he sighed. "You promised you would stay up all night, plus, you slept half the day today. How are you still tired?" Donnie questioned, looking over at me, I smiled sleepily. "I'm super human, my power is sleeping, don't question", I responded, he just chuckled and rolled his eyes.

 "Sure thing, darling. I'm almost finished with this... okay?" He said, grabbing a screwdriver. Now that I had looked more at the device, it looked like some... small watch-like thing. It had a small container of mutagen, except it was a blue color instead of green. "Donnie... what is that anyways?" I questioned, he put it down on the table, placing the screwdriver down next to it. "Actually... this is something I haven't told Leo yet, but... I've modified the mutagen to where used on us, it could turn us human for a certain amount of time. Possibly two or three hours, but I'm not sure." Donnie explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

 "Wow, really? Like, you, along with the rest of the team, human? Donnie, that's amazing!" I exclaimed, he placed a finger to my lips. "Be quiet though, I don't want anybody finding out and either disapproving, or causing a riot between the members. This one little vile takes at least three containers of mutagen... along with several other ingredients." Donnie said, trailing off, I raised an eyebrow at him. "Like what?" I asked, he just smiled a bit, sweating nervously. "Oh, nothing", Donnie said, a nervous laugh echoing through out the room. "Suurrreee", I said suspiciously, crossing my arms over my chest. The tiredness suddenly hit me, and I yawned. "Well, is that thing almost done?" I questioned, rubbing at my right eye.

 "Actually, it's finished. I just... I need to test it out", Donnie said, I watched as he strapped on the watch around his left wrist, pressing a button. about one/ eighth of the mutagen ran out of the small container, I watched as it ran over his arm, leaving behind... skin?! My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped, as within ten seconds, a brown haired boy stood in front of me. I began laughing at the fact he has a lack of clothing.  Donnie blushed before hiding behind the table. "This isn't funny! Now, go get me one of your big shirts. I'm going to steal it from you for awhile", Donnie said, I stopped chuckling. "I was laughing too loudly... I have to... what?" I questioned, I saw him pop his head over the table rolling his eyes.

 "Go get me one of your big shirts and some pants, or... something." Donnie said, I just smiled. "I have basketball shorts", I said, he nodded his head, shooing me off. I ran into my room and grabbed a pair of black basketball shorts and a grey plain tee-shirt, I brought them back to the lab and threw them at the human Donnie. "There ya go, hot stuff", I joked, he blushed and I laughed. "Not funny.." He muttered, sliding on the clothing that surprisingly fitted him. I ruffled his shaggy hair, Donnie was an surprisingly adorable human. His skin was extremely pale with freckles placed across his cheeks, he still had the same brown eyes, and his hair almost covered them up, his bandana was wrapped around his neck, since it was too big on his now sized head.

 I hugged him and he backpedaled, I could actually hug him and feel warmth! Donnie wrapped his arms around me. "Why are you so warm?" He questioned, I guess this was the first time he could actually feel a person's heat since he use to have a shell that prevented that. "Because, I'm human, and now, so are you", I said childishly, he blinked several times and yawned. "Oh, great, sleep catches up to you humans more quickly than us turtles... I guess I'll spend my first time human asleep." Donnie said, yawning. I let go of him as he stretched and began to walk out of the room. I hurriedly caught up to him and jumped on his back, causing the both of us to lurch forward, but Donnie had caught us before we fell.

 "Off to sleep", I whispered, pointing up to the air. Donnie chuckled, probably rolling his eyes as he carried me to our room. I crawled in bed and cuddled up to the covers, usually Donnie was in the lab when I went to sleep, but... this time he had crawled in after me. He grabbed the edge of the blanket, but I rolled over, I could hear him slightly laugh. "I want that blanket too", Donnie whispered, I sat up, still burrito wrapped in it. "Fight me", I whispered back, in more of a playful hiss. Donnie tackled me, grabbing at the blanket. "Give. It. To. Me" He grunted, as I kicked him off, and rolled to the other side of the bed. I laughed as he face-planted on the bed, trying to grab the cloth. I laughed so hard I rolled off the floor, landing on my stomach with an "oomph". Donnie looked over the side of the bed, I rolled onto my back and looked up at him.

 "Are you okay?" He asked, I sighed. "Noooo, I just fell off a fucking bed, what do you think?" I whined, Donnie sighed as he stepped off the bed and picked me up bridal style, putting me down on the bed. He sat next to me and unwrapped me from the blanket. "Okay... what did you hurt?" he asked, I sat up. "Uhm, here", I pointed at my stomach," but that's what I hurt less..." "What did you hurt most, I'll take care of it", Donnie said, I laughed. "Uh, here", I said, pointing at my chest, Donnie blushed and looked away. "I, uh, think you'll heal on your own", he said, his face red, I laughed. "Okay, if you say so", I replied, I looked at the ground as we sat there in silence, I smirked. "Rawr!" I exclaimed, pouncing at him, I pinned him down and sat on his stomach.

 "What are you doing?" Donnie asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm a tiger... fear me", I said, Donnie began to laugh. "Wow, okay then. I thought you had other things on your mind", he laughed, I just smirked. "That's an possibility as well", I said, Donnie's laughter died down as he blushed. "I... don't know if that's such a good idea,  mean, this watch is still a bit... out of control.... well, possibly could mess up and... mutate you", Donnie said, I shrugged. "Oh well, I'll risk it", I said, he blushed. "Wait, wha-" I cut him off by kissing him deeply, well, this was an good idea as well...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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