Chapter 2: This Is How We Meet

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I wore a white tank-top, with a grey jacket over it, along with jeans and somehow I had the same black and white converse. I had my hood pushed up as I walked in a bad part of town with my hands in my pockets. I've been living on these streets for three years now, and... let's just say, I'm not impressed. "Donnie! We have to save Rayne, god damn it!" I heard a make husky voice say behind an abandoned building. "Raph it is a trap! If we go in there Shreddar will get us!" another male voice yelled. Oh great, another fight.

I walked to the back, turning around the corner. I saw four tall... non-human figures. They... they looked like turtles. "I've lost it, I'm seeing stuff now", I said out loud. They looked towards me, they each were different heights and wearing different colored bandanas around their faces. Blue, purple, orange and finally red. "Can you help us?" the one wearing purple asked, I nodded my head. "Put this on", he said, having me black pants, a black shirt, and a black ski mask looking thing. I threw them on over my clothes.

"We don't know her! She may rat us out", The one wearing red yelled. "You can trust me", I said nodding my head. "Tell us your name first", the one wearing blue said. I wanted to tell them my real name, but I ran away to start life over. "Karah, and you are?" I asked, the blue one stepped forward. "Im Leonardo, but you can call me Leo. These are my brothers Donatello or Donnie,Michelangelo or Mikey, and Raphael... also known as Raph." Leo said, I nodded. "Now, what am I to do?" I asked, looking up at them. They were all taller than me, then again, they were mutant turtles... I think.

"You need to get in this building, and save the girl wh-" Donnie started but was interupted by Raph. "Has the amazing brown hair, beautiful brown and green eyes, and gorgeous skin", Raph said in a bit of an star-dazed voice, along with coughing and looking off away from us. He obviously was head over heels for this girl, if he wasn't... than he was extremely addicted. I nodded my head slightly, walking up to the back door, I just pulled a pin out of my hair and hit the main points in the lock quickly before the door opened. I began aimlessly walking around the halls, when I heard a muffled scream, a high-pitched scream. I ran to the second story floor, a girl sat in a chair. Her hands and ankles chained together, duct tape over her mouth. I walked up to her, she stared at me.

I lifted my mask with one hand, I held a finger to my lips, and winked at her. I ran behind her, picking the locks with the same pin I had used earlier. She ripped the duct tape off of her mouth. "My name is not important, but you can call me Karah. I was sent here by Donnie or Donatello once he found this is a trap. Raph declined at first, since I was just a girl on the street. But I was willing to help", I whispered, she nodded. We started to run down the hall when I heard an alarm. "Cameras", the girl yelled, I grabbed her arm pulling her. "Hurry!" I yelled we reached the end of the hall, I stomped on the ground and cussed under my breath.

I stared intently at the window for only a few seconds before throwing it open. I grabbed her arm, pulling her along with me when I jumped. I had landed on my feet, wobbling some from the impact. That girl was caught by Raph, all bridal style and all."Karah, are you all right?" Donnie asked running to my side and grabbing my arm. "Yea, I'm fine. Just the impact slightly got me by surprise, I wasn't expecting to land so quickly", I said, I ripped the mask off completely letting my hair fly around. "Uhm, Raphael, you can put me down now", the girl said realizing he was still carrying her. "Either I'm holding you, throwing you over my shoulder, or your getting a shell-back ride", Raphal said looking at her. She kissed him, he kissed back slipping his tongue in her mouth. "Ooh, someone's gettin it on", I teased, the girl pulled away. Raph sent a glare my direction, I smiled at him. He is not going to like me... at all.

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