Chapter 0 "Prologue "

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In the midst of an ominous storm, the city and the surrounding forest became engulfed in a relentless downpour. The relentless rain turned the urban landscape and the wilderness into a mirrored sea, reflecting the desolation of the weather. A solitary sketchbook, tossed about by the tumultuous waters, floated as a lone witness to the atmospheric turmoil, its pages threatening to soak through.
Amidst the cacophony of thunderous cracks, the dark clouds above suddenly parted, allowing a cascade of radiant light to spotlight the sketchbook's precise location. In a surreal moment, a rainbow bridged the heavens, encircling the sketchbook, its vibrant hues contrasting starkly with the fading storm. Lightning, akin to an ethereal dance, encircled the dissipating clouds before converging on the sketchbook in a radiant burst of brilliance.

However, instead of the expected transformation of the sketchbook, an astonishing phenomenon occurred. The once-inert sketchbook ascended into the illuminated sky, and from its pages, myriad streaks of light erupted, each hurtling toward a distinct location on Earth. Each streak bore within it characters, landscapes, lore, and mechanisms, all originating from the previously ordinary sketchbook, as though the very essence of its contents had been unleashed into reality. Yet, amidst this fantastical occurrence, a lingering question persisted — what if something vital was missing from this extraordinary transference?
The tableau of vibrant light dimmed, plunging into an inky blackness, only to be reborn as the perspective shifted to the true protagonist of this unfolding saga. As the veil of darkness lifted, a small, yellow creature with a distinctive tail, rosy cheeks, and brown stripes adorning its back emerged into consciousness. The creature's eyes fluttered open as the world around it gradually came into focus, revealing a sky that had transformed from tempest to serenity.

The creature, still disoriented, gingerly rose from its prone position. However, its initial attempt to make sense of its surroundings was met with an unexpected discovery — gloves. Puzzled, the creature inspected the unfamiliar appendages, its curiosity prompting a series of taps on various body parts — nose, face, ears, and tail. Each touch seemed to reinforce an unsettling truth — the creature's form was inexplicably different from what it should have been.
Upon standing, the creature surveyed its surroundings, finding itself nestled within a mysterious forest. A glance to the side unveiled a city submerged in water, its towering structures peeking above the flood. Eyes widening in disbelief, the creature attempted to comprehend its predicament, verbalizing its bewilderment into the newfound silence.

"Where am I?" The words hung in the air.

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