Chapter 2 : Shopping Frenzy

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Several months passed since the aftermath of the fight in Cwcville, and the city was undergoing reconstruction. The citizens, inspired by Rose and Sonichu's heroic deeds, had gained recognition not only locally but also made headlines on national news for their victory against the monstrous threat. Meanwhile, Kel, Sonichu, and Rose were settling into their new lives. Sonic had made progress in mastering his super speed and was slowly delving into the intricacies of his electric abilities. Rose, while slightly slower than Sonichu, had become adept at using electric attacks. For the time being, Sonichu found a temporary home in Kel's house.

One day, Sonichu and Rose found themselves sitting in the middle of Kel's living room. Rose was enthusiastically flipping through a list of old movies, eager to find something they both might enjoy. She pulled out a DVD of an old comedy movie and presented it to Sonichu.

"What about this, Sonichu? Wanna give it a try?" Rose suggested, hopeful. Sonichu looked at the DVD and, with a decisive motion, pulled it down.

"Nah, I'm not really into comedy either," Sonichu replied. Rose sighed in frustration. "Sonichu, there's gotta be some genre you like. You can't always stay the same."

"But, Rose, I have no other ideas about what I like to do," Sonichu admitted. Rose contemplated for a moment before proposing, "How about trying to make jokes? Maybe humor is more your style."

"Jokes?" Sonichu hesitated. "Uh, okay? Ahem, 'and I said, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME TWICE BUT DURING THE STONE AGE...'" The joke fell flat, leaving a brief awkward silence that made Sonichu reconsider attempting humor altogether.

"Maybe comedy isn't really for you. Let's try something else," Rose suggested, shifting her attention to find a different movie genre.

Kel entered the living room, a bag of groceries in her arms. "Hey, guys, I'm back!" she announced, placing the groceries on the kitchen table. "Hey, Kel!" Rose greeted with a wave.

As Kel began to unpack the groceries, Sonichu seized the opportunity to ask a question. "Hey, Rose, I wanted to ask you a question. You never really told me how you met Kel for the first time."

Rose paused, reflecting on the past. "I did? Well, back then when I first met you, it was in a crisis, so I wasn't in the right mindset."

"Oh, right. I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay. I suppose I should tell you," Rose began, placing the movie DVDs on the ground. She started recounting the first time she encountered Kel.

"Hmm, I think it was a year ago. I woke up on a beach with no memory of who I was. Kel found me and asked who I was. I quickly discovered that I could use super speed and electricity, and Kel was kind enough to take me in. That's basically all I can remember."

Sonichu's eyes widened, realizing the similarities in their stories. It raised questions about their purpose and existence. Were their powers a gift or a mistake? Why did they possess these abilities? However, before Sonichu could delve into these thoughts, Kel's voice interrupted

"Aw, crap! I forgot the tools!" Kel exclaimed, checking the groceries bag. Rose noticed Kel's frustration and inquired about the issue.

"What's wrong, Kel?"

"I left some gardening tools I was gonna use back in the mall," Kel explained, grabbing a paper and pen from the living room to make a list. "Hey, guys, can you run down to the mall for me and grab these real quick?"

Kel handed the list to Sonichu, and Rose peeked to see what was on it. The paper listed a garden trowel, a bulb planter, and gardening gloves.

"Alright, should be easy. But why is Rose coming?" Sonichu asked as he looked back up to Kel.

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