Chapter 3 : "Blake"

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After Naitsirhc's unsettling encounter with Sonichu and Rose at the mall, he briskly walked down the bustling streets of CWCville. The cityscape loomed over him as he navigated through the crowds. As he neared the end of his walk, his attention was drawn to a tall building with a sign that read 'Giovanni Labs .' Without uttering a word, Naitsirhc entered by pushing the glass doors open.

Upon entering, the receptionist at the main desk, a well-groomed and polite individual, greeted Naitsirhc. "Master Naitsirhc, so glad you're here. How was your d-?" the receptionist began. Naitsirhc rudely interrupted them, talking over their attempt at conversation. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't care. Is my dad here or not?" he demanded. The receptionist, forced to wear a smile, nodded. Naitsirhc walked past them, and the receptionist mumbled under their breath, "What an asshole."

Approaching the sleek elevator, Naitsirhc's destination was clear. The building seemed to exude an air of secrecy, hinting at the multitude of mysteries harbored within its high-tech confines


Entering the elevator, Naitsirhc witnessed the doors sliding shut behind him. He pressed a button, initiating the descent into the depths of the building. The humming machinery within the elevator hinted at the advanced technology concealed beneath the surface. As the doors opened, Naitsirhc found himself in a sprawling, high-tech lab where scientists and engineers were engrossed in their work on various mechanical machines and weapons.

Naitsirhc strode past the lab technicians, his gaze scanning the room for a familiar face. Finally, he spotted a man in a white lab coat surrounded by computer screens and holographic displays, deeply engrossed in analyzing footage of Sonichu and Rose battling water monsters from a few months back.

"Dad," Naitsirhc called out with a mix of annoyance and authority. The man looked up, acknowledging his son's presence with a raised eyebrow.

"Naitsirhc, you're here early. What brings you to the lab?" The man spoke, his tone carrying a calm and collected demeanor.

"I did what you asked. Got a DNA sample from that yellow freak," Naitsirhc replied, holding up the piece of hair he had taken from Sonichu earlier. His father's eyes gleamed with interest as he accepted the sample and examined it.

"Good. And the chaos in the mall?" his father inquired.

"Handled it. Got the reaction you wanted," Naitsirhc said with a smirk.

His father nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Excellent. Now, is there

anything else?"

Naitsirhc hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to bring up the encounter with Sonichu and Rose. Eventually, he decided against it. "No, that's it. I'll be around if you need me," he said dismissively.

His father returned the strand of hair to Naitsirhc and went back to his work. Naitsirhc's eyes darted to the computer, where he saw footage of Sonichu - wait, that happened today? Naitsirhc instantly realized that the mechanical bird had a camera in it. He confronted his father, demanding answers.

"Huh, yeah, put it on the other desk," his father replied, dismissing him. Naitsirhc sighed as he walked over to the other desk.

Upon reaching the desk, Naitsirhc discovered a small camera attached to one of his robots, along with a bottle of blood. Anger surged within him at the realization that his father had been spying on him without his knowledge.

In his rage, he attempted to remove the camera, but in the process, he accidentally knocked over the bottle of blood and the DNA sample of Sonichu. Panic set in as Naitsirhc desperately tried to salvage the situation. His father, unaware of the contamination, continued working. Naitsirhc hurriedly approached a random scientist, handing them the sample.

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