Chapter 4 : "Theory Time"

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Now back in current time, Kel immersed herself in the serene atmosphere of her front yard, where vibrant flowers danced in harmony with the clear blue sky above. The sun's gentle rays painted a warm glow, and a soft breeze whispered through the leaves, carrying the delicate fragrance of blooming blossoms. Humming a tune to herself, Kel found solace in the simple joy of tending to her garden.

As she lovingly pruned unruly branches and encouraged her plants to flourish, Kel marveled at the profound peace that gardening bestowed upon her. The rhythmic sway of the trees, the cheerful chirping of birds, and the gentle rustle of leaves orchestrated a symphony that resonated with the very essence of nature.

Kel's phone, nestled in the pocket of her gardening apron, interrupted this idyllic moment with a familiar ringtone. Startled from her reverie, she retrieved the phone and saw Nicky Rammer's name flashing on the screen. Intrigued, she answered the call.

Hey Kel! Long time no talk!" Nicky's voice echoed through the line, filled with excitement.

"Hey Nicky! It really has been a while. What's going on?" Kel replied, wiping her hands on her apron.

"You won't believe what I just saw at the mall! There was this yellow creature, like a superhero or something, fighting a mechanical bird. It was wild!" Nicky exclaimed.

Kel's eyes widened in surprise as Nicky knew what she was referring to. "Wait, are you talking about Sonichu?"

"Sonichu? Who's that?"

"Oh, right, I haven't mentioned him to you. Sonichu is the creature you were referring to. I took him in a few months back."

"Kel, isn't this the same situation with Rosey a year ago?"

"Yeah, I guess you can say that. Sonichu is an amnesiac. He doesn't remember anything before a few months ago. I'm helping him piece together his past. How's Wally doing with his magician career?"

Nicky laughed, "Wally? Honestly, I have no idea what he's been up to lately. He's always been a bit of a mystery, hasn't he?"

"He sure has. Well, let him know I said hi whenever you catch up with him," Kel replied, chuckling.

"I will, for sure! Hey, speaking of mysteries, how's your life been treating you, Kel?"

"Oh, life's been good. Just enjoying the simple things, like gardening and soaking up the sunshine. How about you?"

"Same old, same old. Trying to navigate the chaos, you know. Anyway, it was great catching up, Kel. I'll talk to you soon," Nicky said, a note of excitement still in her voice.

"Definitely, Nicky. Take care!" Kel said, ending the call. As the conversation concluded, Kel returned to her gardening with a renewed sense of appreciation for the simple joys that surrounded her. Kel watched the vibrant petals of her flowers sway in the gentle breeze as she continued her gardening, the call with Nicky still fresh in her mind. The tranquil atmosphere of her front yard was momentarily disrupted when she noticed a red streak approaching her.

Curiosity mingled with a touch of apprehension as Kel squinted to get a clearer view. Unlike Rose or Sonichu, who typically emitted traces of electricity, this streak seemed different. It lacked the characteristic energy that accompanied the other two.

As the streak drew nearer, Kel instinctively took a step back, her gardening tools held at the ready. The streak slowed down, revealing a figure in its midst. To Kel's surprise, it wasn't Rose or Sonichu; instead, it was someone entirely new: Blake

Kel's surprise lingered as she examined Blake, a figure resembling Sonichu yet distinctly different. Her initial guard began to ease as she cautiously addressed him, "Uh, hi there. Are you lost?"

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