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Hello !! How are you ? i hope you all are doing good in your life. 

Now let's go to the imagination.


Date : 08 November 2023

Place : cafe spice with nice, Udaipur

siya's pov

i reached to the cafe. where i saw there some people are talking or some are eating with their family and friends.  

I saw in the corner where two table are placed into them one is booked my one old man.

near i saw ishita was sitting. i went near her.

"hi, ishu how are you?" i hug her with smile.

"how m fine, how about you?" she said with small smile.

"i am also fine. let's seat" with both tack our respective seats.

"so why sudden india visit?" i asked her because she often visit india or you can say on some occasions. 

"wo actually..." waiter come for order and she stop talking.

"ma'am, any order?" waiter asked us.

"umm, ya on sandwich and cock" ishita give her order.

"for me red sauce pasta and Pepsi" and he left after order.

"now tell me what's the Metter?" i asked her 

"actually i m getting engage with rishi" she told me 

"oh ya congress!! heee what how where when why you didn't told me. is he treating you? or blackmail? then tell me i will shoot him" i said in one breath

"calm down, siya it's nothing like that" she told me with her usual tone.

"then" i asked the resone.

"actually he loves me and you that i also had little bit crash on him but he never talk to me properly so i never give try and last month when we both stack in office because me so he told me there and after some time i said yes" she told me long story in short.

"you sure" i asked her

"yes siya i am.. i know you worried because we always do fight but trust me he love me" she assured me.

"ok if you are happy then i don't have problem but always remember i with you" i told her

"let's eat" she told me as waiter place our food on table.

"enjoy" he greet us and left. we started eating.

"so when is your engagement" i asked her as i stuffed pasta with Pepsi. i love this what tasty pasta yumm..

"this month 19 November" she told me.

"ok" i told her with short replay because right now i m so busy with my pasta.

"i will sand you invitation card you have to come with your whole family" she informed me as i nod  and 

"what the fuck" i groaned as i saw my whole pasta and kurti is drenched in coffee.

"fuck my clothes" i groaned because my whole kurti is become coffee clothes.

"who the hell is this" i asked as no one particular

(A/N : as i told you our siya is clam but if you want Strom in your life than you have to mess with siya)

i saw one man is near my table stand with anger. or he is Lessing out on waiter who hold the tray with empty coffee cap because coffee is on me. 

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