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Hello !! everyone How are you?

How are you doing all this day's? 

ok ok i know you all are waiting for next update so let's not west time and start the journey of siya and advik .....


Date : 08 November 2023 

Place : Rathore Empire, Udaipur

advik's pov

"How can someone doing this with me" i gron in anger

"who the hell is this girl, and how dare she is" right now i am seating in my office. and thing about a girl which i even don't know and she .....


"sir," i heard someone voice 

"yes, Ahmad" i saw he is nervous.

Ahmad is my right hand and he do my all work you know all type of work. he is well trained. for me he can kill anyone.

of course every one is sacred of me and i am proud of it.

"ya right, expect one" my subconscious moke.

ahhh !!!!!!

"can you tell me what happened or you just want to see me?" i asked with anger don't know why my day was to bad.

"actually, again we.... we are failed" he Sutter 

i know what he talking but advik don't know the fail word here that don't know who is always give me reason to know that i m not capable for to find one woman. and i hate this.

"what the fucking are you all" i want near him

"sir, we...we tried to find her but she is so smart that never she come out from her dean and only her close one know that who is she" he told me which i already know

"ok, go and find about her and tell me if you find anything" i clam my self because i know this is not her fault.

He went out.

I seat on my chair and think about a day when i heard her voice not actual voice. because she using voice changer.

~ Flashback ~

6 month ago,

I was in the office. when i got a call from mom. she is so in panic mode. her voice is like some one going to kill her.

"advik, advik hear actually.... n...n" she breathing heavily

"Mom, Mom clam down what happened why are you panicking" i asked her 

after that i heard Aditya's voice

"Bhai, actually Niti is missing.." i was shocked

"What happened to her" i asked him in clam voice because if i m going to panic then who will handle them.

"bhai pls come home fast" and he cut the call

hardly, i reach home in 15 min. and went to hall as i heard dad shouting on some one. that poor boy !! 

"Adi" i called him

"what happened" i asked him

"actually bhai, niti..." he about to speak but mom cut him off and told

"Advik, she is kidnapped" 

what the hell how!! and when !!

i went near dad who was early shouting on bodyguard right now he is on call i asked her bodyguard about whole thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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