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Hello !! Everyone ....

How are you all doing? I hope you all are good so i am ...

let's start the story......


Date : 08 November 2023

Place : cafe spice with nice, Udaipur

advik's pov

I was reach to the cafe with Aditya. ya he want to know about hotel so bring him with me. i enter in the cafe where i saw lots of people are there and i don't like this it all why he want to meet here.

i saw two table in the corner of the cafe. where one is i thing booked by some girls or one them is by us. where Mr. chaddha was seated who is our land lord. thank god its in the corner otherwise I m not able to concentrate in meeting.

we reach to him and He greet me with small smile.

"good afternoon, Mr. Rathore"

"Good afternoon, Mr. chaddha" with that we take our respective seat.

"he?" he asked me about Aditya.

"oh, let's me introduce He is Aditya Rathore, my younger brother and Aditya he is Mr. Chaddha, land lord of our hotel" i introduce them with each other.

"so Mr. chaddha let's start the meeting" i said because i have no time.

"ya why not let's order first" he insist me

"but i don't want to eat mr. chaddha it's just... " now i don't have time to wast and he want to eat. he cut me off.

"at least coffee?" he asked me with hesitate 

"ok fine, let's order" i said 

"Aditya, you want anything" Mr.chaddha is very caring person i can see..

"ya, let's order" Aditya said


waiter come with menu and not pad.

"yes, sir any order" he asked with smile.

"ya, for me salad and green tea" mr. chaddha orderd

"and for me.... umm ya sandwich and cold coffee" Aditya order for him self. 

"black coffee for me" i orderd

"and ?" he asked

"nothing" and he left 

i thought here i was in meeting but no i am here for date. don't know why i agreed for this meeting and also in lunch time. 

muje to lagta he ye khana khane hi aye he ahhhh... i never liked this unprofessional meeting but i have to for my hotel. cool advik cool.

"so mr. chaddha now, order also complete can we start the meeting" i asked him with little irritation. 

"are Mr. Rathore why so hurry let's first complete our lunch" he said casually

what hell is this man, why i am here god. 

"but..." he again cut me off

"ok ok as you say" and we start the meeting. 

(A/N :  Sorry Guy's but i don't know about business so pls let go if i do any mistake) 

"ya, so i want your land near lake for my hotel because this land is best for my hotel" i tell him my reason 

"ya, Mr. Rathore i know about this infect your PA tell me me about all this things" he said

"ok so you are agree right" i asked him

"ya, ya i m agree i don't have problem as you give me better money for this land" wow this man is so easy to convince.

as i m the Advik sigh Rathore. i never loss in anything. infect this all word are not in my dictionary. 

"so can we sign the agreement" i asked him

"ya, sure why not" 

"Aditya" he handed me contract paper

"here, read this and sign it" i told him

He nod and in gross in reading the contract paper

i looked around and i saw near our table two girls are talking about something. whoo why she is so loud...


"Yes" i saw Mr.chaddha is saying something

"i was saying your contract is ok, and i m sign it pls transfer the amount on time" he told me

"oh ya, don't worry i will sand all the " i assure him

"ya, thank you so much" he smiled

"it's my pleasure" i noded

after that i called richa and told her transfer the money to the mr. chaddha.

"lo khana bhi agaya" Mr.chaddha said

"actually Mr.chaddha i m gating late so... " He again cut me

 this man !!!

"it's a lunch time seat na, see aditya also want to eat what say adi?" he told me and asked adi

"ya, bhai let's just eat na, we have to respect him, he is older than us" wow this boy also

why today all are irritating me....

"fine" i said 

waiter come with food and laate ?

what i orderd black coffee......

"i ordered black coffee not that sugary laate" i told him with irritations.

"wha ... what " he shutter

"yes, i ordered black coffee" i said with stern voice

"sor... sorry sir it's i don't know" 

"what how the hell are you don't know" i said lound

why today all are going into my nerves.

"really sorry sir" he said with guilt face

"what the" and i threw the laate on other direction

how that some one do the mistake like this as i am very angary right now. 

"don't you know who i m how you do such mistake, and don't how your owner hire if i was that place i will never hie full like you"

"excuse me" i heard soft voice with anger

i saw a girl drenched in coffee. oh shit..................


Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into Advik and Siya's journey, uncovering their argument and the obstacles they must overcome. Stay tuned for more twists and turns in their story.

Bye !! tack care !!❤️

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