Chapter 5

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Sorry guys I had to update late today!?! Happy fathers day!! I updated late cause fathers day.

Chapter 5:The First Date

Mitch's POV

I was shocked that everybody knew about us me and Jerome just ignored them and made Sky and Ty apollogize to us. I was thinking "What's the point of dating Jerome if we dont actually go on a date???" this thought was something i focused on i couldnt stop thinking about it. Jerome walked in the room when i was watching TV. "Umm.. Hey biggums can i ask u a question??" i said taking a big gulp. "Ya sure whats up??" he said sitting on the recliner with me. "Ive been wondering why are we dating if we dont actually go on dates??" I said grabbing his hand holding it in his lap.

"Well actually I don't know?? But, do u want to go on a date??" He said squeezing my hand a little bit. I knew this was a sign that he was nervous because he quickly stopped squeezing when I said... "Ya I do!! How about dinner I will meet u at my place at 7!!" I said feeling confident with myself. "Well I have to go my biggums!! I have reservations and other things to get!!!" I said giving him a quick kiss and sprinting away.

When I got to my room the first thing I did was text my Sister Paige (AN(authers note) when I do txts they will look like this Person: hey guy: hola)
Me: Hey Paige!! Can u get me a table for me and my date I have a date tonight!?!
Paige: Ya!!! Anything for my brother!?!?! Luv ya we should hang out some time!!
Me: Ya we should I gtg I got to get ready for my date.

I was sure my date would go good from here on out as long as I had a suit to look fancy in front of Jerome to wear. I went in my closet and grabbed a white suit I was ready for tonight.

Jerome's POV

I can't belive Mitch is taking me on a date. I am so happy I grabbed a suit out of my closet and went to the dry cleaners. I gave my suit to the people and ran off. I made a supreme for Mitch I went to the store and bought some fireworks and a box of chocolates. The fireworks would shoot off into the air when we r eating desert and when the explode they spell #MEROME. He's going to love it.

~~~~~~Later at 7~~~~~~

I walk up to the door I feel a little queasy. Mitch opens the door "Hey biggums!!! R u ready to go??". I shook my head we got to the restraunt I had the team follow us so they could set the fireworks up. I ordered raw fish and mashed potatoes. Mitch ordered a steak for dinner with finger potatoes oven roasted in garlic.When we got our food we had some small talk. I watched Mitch eat his food I love the way he chews with his mouth. We ordered dessert. I had an banana sundae. Mitch got a mini lava cake. When Mitch took his first hit into his food the fireworks went up. I pulled out the box of chocolates he looked as the fireworks said #MEROME. "I love you!!!!" I said giving him the box of chocolates. I leaned in for a kiss we started to kiss we stopped I gave him a hug. We finished eating then went home.

~~~~~~skip to before bed~~~~~~

Mitch's POV

I layed there trying to sleep but I couldn't I had the best date with someone ever. It took me a few hours until my eyes couldn't stay open. I then just passed out.

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