Chapter 2

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Dom came back with the ice and notices Becky on Tom's back and panicked "what happened?!"

"Your friend got hurt and Tom is now carrying her to god knows where." Adam replied while rewatching his live to better understand on what had happened.

Dom became so confused and kept asking who it was and if she's alright and Tom just replied with "yeah, she's fine. She's just umm asleep."

Dom looked at Adam confused "you're gonna walk right into the wall if you keep on using your phone while walking..."

"I know, I'm just rewatching the video to better understand on what had happened during the filming session."

An hour later Tom gently put her down on his lap while waiting for the doctors to see her.

While both Dom and Adam kept rewatching the video of the accident.

Hours later it was finally her turn and she had just woken up confused "where am I?" And Dom looked at her and replied "you're in the hospital. We brought you here." After hearing that, Becky panicked and got up "no I can't be here!" She ran out of the hospital and Dom ran after her because he was so worried for her.

"I can't be in the hospital, I can't afford-..." before she could talk she passed out again onto Dom and he had to carry her back in.

Hours later the doctors found several blood clots in her brain that needed emergency surgery and Dom signed the documents because it was listed as her only family member died when she was only 6.

Her parents didn't even bother registering her after she was born so they barely got any document that states her parents as her legal guardian and stuff because they signed off their parental rights away to her late auntie.

Ben sighed while waiting in the waiting area with both Dom and the crew.

Hours later, the nurses pushes Becky out of the operating room and Dom went up to the doctor to ask how was Becky and that's when his heart sank when the doctor had informed him that they will be calling the police because they suspect that Becky is a victim of domestic violence...

Just then Tom got up and lied saying "yeah, we're aware of that and her abusers had been arrested."

And the doctor nodded and informed the nurse to not call the police and left.

Tom knew that Dom would ask a lot of questions so he quickly got up and left while Dom was following behind him "oi Tom!! You have some explaining to do!"

Tom tried ignoring him but Dom wouldn't stop asking and he sighed and looked at Dom "look, it's not my position to tell you about things like this. Maybe you should ask her yourself."

Dom sighed and went right back into the hospital while Tom went out to have a smoke break.

Adam sighed "I'll talk to Tom." Before going out for a smoke break as well.

After talking for a bit Tom finally sighed "yeah, she's a victim of domestic violence. Her parents are drug addicts as well her her useless brothers it runs in her family. She only managed to escape because her aunt left her some money before she died but it's long gone. Her parents literally signed off their parental rights and only her aunt took her in..."

Adam gasped "and why didn't you just tell Dom the truth with what had happened?!" "Because you know how Dom is... he's already starting to have feelings for her and he's gonna regret it." "Why?" "Because if her parents found out about Dom he will be in danger."

"Danger?!" And Tom nodded "yeah she's gonna protect him anyway. And she told me that she will never date anyone because her family are a bunch of gold diggers and will beat her future partner up if they don't get her way and she doesn't want that so she's gonna stay single for the rest of her life."

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