Chapter 5

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After a long day of being at the hospital, Becky finally woke up feeling all groggy as the anesthesia had worn off and that she's in a lot of excruciating pain and she looked around and saw Dom sleeping while holding her hand.

She mastered up her strength and got up while trying to not wake Dom and poured herself a glass of water but it was too late. He had already woken up.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you..."

"No lay back down, I'll get the water for you. Be right back" he then took the pitcher and went out to wash it before bringing it back in with water.

"Here you go" he smiled "thanks".

While Becky was drinking the water, Dom just kept looking at her while feeling bad and guilty.

Becky just sighed "you're probably tired you should go back home and sleep a little..."

"Me?" He yawned "nah I'm not tired..."

Becky gently stroked his hair "go back home and sleep, I'll be fine".

Dom got up with a smile "fine I'll take a short nap at home". He then got up and instantly left.

Becky sighed in relief as she was bored she decided to unplug the needle from her arm and slowly got up and Colson happened to see her almost fall and he quickly ran over to grab her "what do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing much, I was just bored and wanted to leave".

"Nah you need to stay here so that you'll heal faster and better..."

"But I'm bored!!" Becky whined and Colson just gently put her back down on her bed "how about we play some games?" Just then Colson took out a pack of cards and they started playing 'poker' and Becky started laughing "shit I keep on losing!!"

2 hours later, Tom came in with some flowers "awww!!! You got me some flowers?!"

"Yeah I did..." "thank you" Becky smiled.

"Now what are we gonna do now that Dom knows about your whole situation and that he might be in you know..."

"Wait WHAT?!" Colson looked at Tom and Becky.

"I'll take care of it..." she sighed.

"How?!" "I'll just disappear completely from Dom's life as well as the rest of you guys' lives..."

"No you're not! Also what's happening?!!"

"Maybe we should at least tell Colson about it..."

"No we can't risk his life too!! Megan needs him!"

Colson just stood there confused while the both of them started arguing.

"Look! I'll just run away when I'm better".


Becky just looked at both Colson and Tom "yes I am! I can't risk any of your lives especially Dom's!!"

Just then Colson got up and made a few phone calls.

"I just can't... I can't risk Dom's life... he means the world to me and him loving me was what I needed... he's such a sweet thoughtful guy I just can't bare to see him lose his life over me..."

Tom looked at her "what exactly happened that night?"

"My dad tried bashing Dom in the head with his empty beer bottles and in order to distract him I kissed him and turned my back to where the bottles were coming from and took the blow on his behalf..."

"YOU WHAT?!" Tom got excited "the start of a blossoming relationship!!"

Becky sighed "loving him was a mistake which was why I always acted cold towards him..."

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